Poll + HP Fandom Does It Again.

Aug 01, 2007 10:09

Poll Miscengation, Take Two!

Quite apart from anything else, the idea of considering mixed-species relationships as the same kink as mixed-race relationships is one that makes me boggle. But let's get down to the meat of this post, shall we?

So, over at daily_deviant, the mods manage to suggest miscengenation (have a good explanation of why it's a racist term) would be a good prompt, were informed it's a racist term and perhaps they could use 'interracial' instead, refused and took offense at being told they could be OMGRACIST for using that term, and then there was a wanksplosion.

Meanwhile, the DD mods have changed the term but they haven't apologized for the way they behaved at the start, especially to witchqueen who was the original one to bring up her complaint. Go comment to their latest admin post and point out that just perhaps when you accuse someone of being oversensitive and defaming your comm, you might want to apologize when you realize you're wrong.

And as a reward for those of you that go comment (which I'm sure is going to be all of you, right? ^_~) : Boys kissing -- color-coordinated to match the theme of this post, even.

no: smackdown, friends: poll, no: what the fucking fuck?!, fandom: harry potter, world: race/culture

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