Question: What happens when you take a sleeping pill but pull an all-nighter anyway trying to get a paper done, pass out at the keyboard and then wake up, realize that there is no way you can get the paper done, and collapse into bed?
Answer: You wake up feeling like hell, absolutely starving and you have a headache that feels like someone set off an atomic bomb in your head.
Ow fucking OW fucking OW.
On the fucking wow side, I got a letter from the IAEA saying that I have an internship there for the summer. Exact paragraph that you'll be interested in goes as follows:
I am pleased to inform you that you have been awarded an internship in the Nuclear Power Engineering Section, Division of Nuclear Power, Department of Nuclear Energy, from 1 June to 31 August 2007. Under the guidance of Mr. P. Wincze, Quality Assurance/Management Engineer, your work assignment will be to review documents being prepared for publication, editing and correcting the text when necessary and maintaining the following databases: (a) Document tracking system; (b) e-Glossary; and (c) a clickable map.
Of course, problems are that I don't want to spend my summer in Austria and that my college starts before my job ends, but hey, look, shiny internship that involves maintaining a document tracking system and THAT sounds scary. Everything else sounds doable.
....Annnd the Internet just went down all over campus. FUCKING PERFECT. Savior, I'll probably be on MSN again by the time you see this, but I'm sorry about disappearing like that.
Well, at least I've got this window open to amuse myself with. Since I know it takes a while to get the Net up when it collapses over here, I went to take a shower while waiting and used up the last of my Lush Body Butter -- You Snap The Whip. It only lasted for two applications, so each use cost about seven dollars, but on the other hand, I have to admit that it does come on very grainy and smells fantastic afterwards, though I'm not sure how well it actually moisturizes you.
The smell of my own skin is making me hungry, though.
Decided to vaccuum the room and my power outlet just died. This laptop is now running on battery.
I wonder if this is the world's way of telling me to get to bed? *saves this update in a .txt file just in case the laptop dies of lack of charge before the Net/power comes back*
Annnd an hour and forty something minutes later, the Net is back, Savior is gone, my room is very clean but rugless because I've decided that I want to wash it, and I'm about to pop another sleeping pill so that I can go sleep.