She's pro-choice and pro-sex ed.
Or, to lump it into one reason instead of two, she's pro-reproductive rights.
I found that out thanks to an article in this month's Time magazine where they were talking about the 'pregnancy crisis centers' that give you misleading information about abortions in order to try to stop you from having one. They also use emotional manipulation -- try taking a test there to see if you're pregnant and they'll hand you a pair of hand-knit, baby blue booties with the announcement, "Congratulations, you're going to be a mother."
According to the article, some states have more of those than they have actual abortion clinics.
Anyway, in the article, Hillary was paraphased as saying that she supports reproductive rights, including proper education about prevention and sex so as to decrease the need for abortions.
Something that drives me absolutely insane to read about is the apparent horror America has of sex education. Every time I see an article about how some parent complained to a school that oh noes, their child is being told how babies are made, I end up wondering what the hell is wrong with people.
The odds are that your child is eventually going to have sex. Assuming you don't want them taught about sex ed because you're scared it'll encourage them to have pre-marital sex, what about after they get married? What if they don't want to have babies straight away because it'll derail their career or because they can't afford a baby or because they just think that they're too young? For some reason, I seriously doubt that there are courses on sex ed offered for 'Young Yuppies Not Prepared For Pregnancy', and it's not exactly like they can just go back to a school that does provide that sort of information.
Of course, there's always the Internet but anyone who'd trust the Internet to teach their kid how sex happens is an absolute idiot and shouldn't be having sex in the first place. There are probably great guides out there on how to please your wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend/android fucktoy. They're just buried under all the really, really, really bad smut and porn. And porn is definitely not something anyone should be taking tips from, especially if it's the issue of
long fingernails in girl/girl sex. Ow. Seriously.
Conclusion? Sex education is good. In fact, people in general being informed is good. If you're not informed, you can't make informed choices and while guessing blindly might be a working tactic for, say, playing Minesweeper (does anyone out there still play it or is that a dated culture reference?), it's a little less practical if you're risking your life because nobody told you how STDs are transmitted, to take a random example.
Sex ed isn't just about not getting pregnant. It's about not getting diseases, about not going through unnecessary pain, about knowing what's happening to your body during sex -- sex ed is basically supposed to set you up so that when you do have sex, you have a smaller chance of anything bad happen and a better chance of you enjoying it.
Since I'm asexual, I ended up ducking out of a lot of the school sex ed courses, including hiding in the changing room to avoid watching the tapes, but I'm still glad that they were offered. I think abstinence-only sex ed is an incredibly bad idea and just setting teens up to be unable to even have a responsible adult figure to question about their worries, as well as make them feel more guilt-ridden if they do have sex and personally, the chances of me voting for Hillary went waaaaaaay up when I read that she openly supports sex ed.
Go Hillary!
...Maybe I'll even make an icon in her favor.