Got tagged!

Aug 15, 2006 16:00

The Rules:
List six (6) things about yourself.
Tag six (6) people, no tagging back.

1. It makes me squee when people have special tags in their journal just for me. Seeing ego_chan tag her most recent post for me made me grin. Same for interests in userinfo that are shared in-jokes, or banners of people. And Savior still having my name in his MSN name and VSickle calling herself Minion Extraordinaire are things that I go look at when I'm feeling alone and unloved.

2. Yesterday, I went for a walk in the woods and spent two hours lost because I emerged near Essling (next village down) because I didn't want to go back the way I'd came since I'd passed some freaky cows.

3. I love the Herald Mage trilogy even though I know Vanyel is the biggest Mary Sue to have ever Sued.

4. I'm so hyperactive that I can't even watch movies in a cinema without fidgeting or drifting off to daydream.

5. I once really fangirled a BNF in a fandom, was on her el-jay flist and then discovered that I didn't like her as a person, even though I love her fic. Then she switched journals and didn't friend me on her new one, and I was relieved because I hadn't been reading her journal anyway but just skipping past it. That's why I keep personal stuff filtered and flocked on this journal and only post politics/fandom stuff publicly.

6. If I get told that I -- or someone else I know -- has been featured on a hate meme, I have to go look. I can't just stay away for my own sanity.

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