Dec 07, 2010 00:56
I was donated a huge bag of windfall apples, and they sat in my kitchen for a week or two while I tried to ignore they were there. Eventually I had the time and inclination to do something with them. I'd seen a recipe for "Apple Butter" and thought it sounded interesting, so here goes.
Cut the apples into quarters, or thereabouts. No need to remove the cores (for the pectin) or the skins (for more flavour) as it'll be sieved later. Chuck them into a large pan, add I part cider vinegar and 2 parts water to roughly 4lbs of apples. (I didn't have cider vinegar so the last of the raspberry vinegar was thrown in and topped up with water.)
Apples were simmered in the vinegar and water mix until they were soft and mushy. (I mashed them with the potato masher with a view to making it easier to get the pulp through the sieve.) Shove the apple mash through a sieve, pushing it through with a spoon or ladle to get all of the pulp, measure how much you get. Measure the pulp and add 1/2 that quantity of sugar, stir that in until it dissolves then add the spices. The recipe called for 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves, 1/2 teaspoon allspice, the grated rind and the juice of one lemon. I didn't have allspice, but added some nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves, didn't have a lemon so added lemon juice from a bottle. A dash of salt and the whole lot was put back on the heat to reduce.
It was then cooked over a medium low heat for about 90 minutes, stirred regularly (almost constantly) so it didn't burn or stick on the bottom of the pan, the stirring also helps evaporation. Once it was done (a small amount put onto a cold plate from the freezer is thick and not runny) it was ladled into small sterilised jars then covered. I managed to fill a dozen small jars.
I'm very pleased with it. The smell was amazing, it tastes fabulous and I can't wait to use it.