Best Intentions Gone Awry (RPFS, Emily/Zooey)

Feb 01, 2009 20:15

Title: Best Intentions Gone Awry.
Fandom: RPFS.
Pairing: Emily/Zooey.
Author Note: ...hi. I'm not dead! ;) For Porn Battle VII. Prompt was the fandom, pairing, and these: true love, throw it all away. (I haven't written in nearly a year and what do I write? incest!porn. Huh.) Posted as this comment.


Her hands grip your wrists and pin them to the bed, fingernails digging into your skin in a way that's going to leave marks you can't explain, but you don't care because it's been months since you were last together like this and you won't let anything put a stop to it now. Her kiss is bruising and desperate and part of you wants to soothe her, to force her to slow down and breathe, but the bigger part of you is kissing her back just as fiercely because god you've missed this. Missed her. Missed the way she knows you like no one else ever will or can because she's Zooey and you're you and this is everything.

She releases one wrist and her fingers slip between your legs to make you cry out and arch into her touch. You were wet from the minute she climbed into your bed and kissed you but now you're dripping and her fingers are inside you, thumb brushing your clit, and you're gasping for air as she sucks a bruise onto your neck, your pulse leaping beneath her mouth and your body already shaking with too much, too fast because this feels like drowning and you think you've forgotten how to swim.

Another finger and you're a writhing mess beneath her touch, whimpering her name and a babble of endearments that wouldn't make sense to anyone else but will to her. She kisses you again, thrusts harder and deeper, and you can feel an edge of anger to her every movement that you suspect has been building for a while. Your free hand twists into her hair and you pull, not gently, to break the kiss, whisper, "Zo..." and she cuts you off with a growl as her fingers curl inside you in a way that makes you see stars.

"Don't," she snarls. "It wasn't my idea to throw this all away."

"You knew-- fuck-- you knew we couldn't--" your voice breaks as you grind helplessly against her hand and she lowers her head, sucks one erect nipple into her mouth and bites a little harder than you like. "Couldn't-- not forever--"

"Shut up," she hisses and crooks her fingers with practised ease to find the spot that makes you scream and break apart.

Your heart is racing, your body soaked with sweat and aching, and you haven't felt this alive since the night you gave her up for good (or so you thought). You love her -- 'once in a lifetime don't ever want to give you up' kind of love her -- but she's your sister and what you have can never be more than a twisted secret.

"I love you," you whisper. "You know that."

"Then love me, Em," she says fiercely, "Don't walk away again."

She's still in a way she rarely ever is, the boundless energy that's always been a part of her all controlled and focused into this one moment. Her eyes are dark with arousal and bright with something else and you look at her helplessly, feeling the twitch of her fingers still inside you, and know that, no matter what you do, neither of you will ever be free of this.

rpfs (emily-zooey)

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