Fandom: Firefly/Serenity
Title: Finding Heaven
Characters: Jayne Cobb, River Tam, mentions of the rest of the crew.
Pairings: Jayne/River
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1664
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss.
Summary: Heaven never seemed be open to them.
Warnings: Some smut. More than a little angst. This post contains adult content not appropriate for those under the age of 17.
Notes: Wow, was this an undertaking of nearly semi-epic proportions. Truthfully, I was really inspired by a post to
bashippers, that had a Fanfiction/Fanmix which I knew immediately I wanted to try in Rayne-Style. I wasn’t sure when it would happen, but I knew that sooner or later I’d get around to it. Then when the
rayne_shippers Mini-Challenge came around, and I was basically told it was a Rayne-Free-For-All, I pretty much knew that this would be a great time to try it out. I started thinking of my prompt, and I knew I wanted to do something different with it, something abstract, but still fitting, and finally the idea came to me.
Finding Heaven can be found
here at