Title: Beware the Web
Characters: CJ Cregg
Rating: PG?
Notes: After the events of "The U.S. Poet Laureate" (Season 3)
Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
The internet, CJ has decided, is a terrible and frightening place. It’s late -getting on towards eleven -and she’s been sitting at her desk for upwards of an hour now. Maybe she had an embolism, a gigantic, freakish blood clot caused by her refusal to get up and stretch, that somehow spiraled up through her veins and made her have a stroke. Because, surely, a massive mental failure was the only thing that could’ve even begun to explain the oh-so-stupid thing she’d just done.
Yeah. She’d googled herself.
There were not words -were not words -that could encompass just how bad of an idea that turned out to be. Add in the three/five/eight-billion search results and the fact that she’d just recently threatened to intimately introduce Josh to a piece of computer equipment and it was all just so not good.
It didn’t take long for a somewhat-tame:
‘Cregg stuns at First Lady’s Birthday -frat boys across country become poli-sci majors.’
Started to give way to:
“If you freeze frame yesterday’s briefing right after the part about Bangladesh, you can totally see her bra!”
CJ shuddered. Really, really not good. She shuts her eyes, then the browser before any other salacious comments have a chance to burn themselves into her retina.
Tomorrow she's wearing a turtleneck.