Title: Mr Bad Example
Pairing: Anthony Cooper/Christian Shephard (you read right.)
Rating: PG13 for some language.
Disclaimer: they aren't mine and I thank Jacob for it. Because I'd really wouldn't want them and Cooper most of all.
Word count: 2052
Summary: Cooper didn't sure think he'd end up sleeping with the husband of the woman he conned the day before. Entering for
lostfichallenge #63: Unconventional Couples
A/N: It just didn't want to go away after the bunny came and I had to get it done. Probably shows up that I like Christian just slightly better than Cooper. Title stolen from
Warren Zevon's 'Mr Bad Example'
, which I think totally suits Cooper. Some references to that song too, but it's not a songfic by any means. I swear it's not as disturbing as it could seem.
“Well, I used to refer to myself as Mr Bad Example. Ages ago.” )