Title: Following (Parts Seven through Fourteen)
Characters: Juliet, Jack, Charlotte, Daniel, Hurley, Bernard & Rose (so far)
Pairing: Juliet/Jack, some Charlotte/Daniel
Rating: "R" and "NC-17" as marked (sex, language)
Spoilers: Direct spoilers from 4.06 and 4.10; plot elements from seasons 5 and 6 freely reconstructed.
A/N: My goals for this fic were/are as follows:: 1) Jack and Juliet convincingly get together 2) Jack grows as a character; 3) Juliet remains her awesome, complicated, tough self; 4) Charlotte gets to do some actual anthropology; 5) I try to rewrite the end of the series so that it has something to do with the first four seasons.
Summary: Jack's POV. Jack and Juliet pursue a relationship post 4.06 ("The Other Woman"), and the fate of the island changes as a result of the choices they make. Charlotte and Daniel feature heavily. In this section, Juliet performs some emergency surgery, Jack returns Charlotte and Daniel's favor, and Juliet tells Jack about her arrival on the island.
“Say the island is like a giant soap bubble,” Daniel began, leaning forward, forming a circle with his fingers as if they needed help visualizing it. (Parts 7-14) “Geronimo Jackson is an acquired taste,” she answered dryly, and he laughed softly, feeling sure of her but uncertain of himself. (Parts 1-6)