Title: Ooh Child
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own them; just borrowing.
Summary: They take his son and Michael snaps.
Spoilers: through Two For the Road
Notes: For
lost_in_108 #41, taken. Warning: canon character death.
The rest of them, they're not parents. They don't get it.)
Title: Again Tonight, My Dear
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them; just borrowing.
Summary: She's fifteen years older, grown into her long legs, more graceful and self-assured. He'd know her anywhere.
Spoilers: through late season 5
Notes: Drabble for
weatheredlaw who requested “inspired by music” with Calexico's Alone Again Or at the
lostsquee luau, and who likes Ben/Annie.
It's us. That's you and that's me.)