[All written for various fic memes over the past weeks or months.]
Title: wish i was worth it
Pairing: Juliet/Jack
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Lost is not mine.
A/N: AU after 4x10 (Something Nice Back Home). Prompt: shiver. For
un_love_you, Thought I needed this.
It's raining too hard for her to go back to her tent, and that's the only reason she stays. (Really.) )
Title: swallowed in the sea
Pairing: Kate/Daniel
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Lost is not mine.
A/N: AU. Prompt: proxy. For
un_love_you, I want to need you.
She can almost imagine he isn't there. )
Title: five people claire littleton never fell in love with
Pairing(s): Claire/Kate, Claire/Charlie, Claire/not!Locke, Claire/Sawyer, Claire/Jack
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Lost is not mine.
A/N: For
un_love_you, Author's Choice.
Kate is a Gemini--restless, you know the type. )