Yeah, this should probably technically be two chapters since it's pretty long, but I figure it's been almost two months since I posted so...
Remember, Jack is currently a woman in this story, so in a way this is het, but it's still *Jack*, so it was, is and will also be slash. Just think of Jack as a man trapped in a woman's body through supernatural circumstances and Sawyer is attracted to both versions of him/her.
by Diandra Hollman
Rating: NC-17. Big time.
Keywords: Sawyer/Jack, slash between characters of opposite gender (no, it doesn’t make much sense to me either. Tell it to my muse), genderflip, girl!Jack,
Spoilers: Maybe mild ones for mid-season 3.
Disclaimer: See part 1
Summary: Tiresias: a character in Greek mythology who was magically transformed from a man to a woman and back again. But what if the Dharma Initiative thought it was more than just a story?
Dedication: See part 1
Author's Notes: This takes place sometime after “I Do”, after Sawyer and Kate escaped the Others. Sun is not pregnant in this universe.
According to the myth, Tiresias spent seven years as a woman before being transformed back into a man. Because this is “Lost”, where everything is kind of compressed in timeframe, this will only take about seven *days*. So for anyone weirded out by the idea of Jack being a woman: I promise he won’t stay that way for long.
Previous chapters *********
Sawyer hadn't meant to spy on her... )