Title David Cook Breaks His Rules, or How Kris Allen Got His Groove Back
Pairing Kris Allen/David Cook, Adam Lmabert/Brad Bell, Anoop Desai/Megan Joy, other pairings implied.
Rating R
Word Count14500 or so
Summary Um Kris works for David in a bar/club. Both of them are snarky and not each other's type. ~things happen. Aggressive!Kris. Inspired by the
plaguedbymen prompt AU Kris/David bartending and written for
ficforhopeDisclaimer Only the second time I've written this pairing. I know next to nothing about bartending. Not my people. I made ages kind of irrelevant, as Michael Sarver is now older than everyone.
Special thanks to
ksl012479 for giving me the beta I've always needed. Seriously. And also to my kradio benches who have been waiting like two months for the finished product.
David took the offered hand. There wasn't anything special in the handshake, except that the fingers were rough like his own, and the hold firm. "A guitar-playing waiter in LA. So original."
Kris rubbed his hands together. "Well, you know, I'd go for stripper, but I'm just not that coordinated."