Title: From The Ashes (Part 3 of my newly titled Angels Of The Silences series)
anathema64Pairings: Cookleta
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Continuation of
Daylight Breaks in which Cook finally comes home and Archie is unsure whether to let him.
Word Count: 1108
princessleia04Disclaimer: Probably didn't happen, I don't own these boys, yadda yadda.
Warnings: Angst.
Author's note: My angst fic has apparently become a mini-series (that I've now entitled "Angels of the Silences" after a Counting Crows song). In fact, naming with lyrics seems to be a theme with this fic, and as such, this part's title comes from the Kris Allen song. I have no tentative plans to continue the series further, but I could be convinced. I like this angsty little universe.
From The Ashes)