Fic Finished

May 26, 2012 12:58

OMG, I'm not going to say it's almost done because woohoo it is done!!! \o/

My Lotrips Aloha draft is done. I only had the epilogue left, and ta-da 8k later it’s finally done. This baby’s been lingering since 2004, but it’s been in the last year that it really started to take shape. For the good or bad it also became a crossover with CW rps and will have a sequel *head-desk*

Keeping track of actually word counts to be honest I bypassed that and just jumped in writing every day. I do know when I signed up for werewolfbigbang I believe I had 39-40K, then proceeded to write up to 45k only to scrape it back down to 39k. Now with the epilogue, un’beta’d wc its: 65, 477.

During the beta process I’m sure things will get cut, others expanded as my beta goes through it. Otherwise it’s done, I couldn’t be more thrilled. Now a short lunch break then to get started on my Dark Angel piece =)


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