Final Hours To Sign Up!

Jun 10, 2011 23:23

Important Announcement!

If you have not yet signed up as an Author or First Reader and want to participate in this month's round please join the comm and sign up now!

As our 34th round is about to begin the comm will be closed to anyone not signed up for the June round. (Past participants may always remain in the comm and First Readers only need to sign up once to continue as a member each month.)

What does this mean?

Unlike private LJs there is no way for a comm to filter content based on user defined groups. It's either public or Friends - that's it.

So as of June 11th anyone listed as a member who has never signed up for a round will be removed from membership.

The comm will also be closed to new members joining during the active portion of the round and through the end of the month. You are welcome to join again when we reopen on the 1st and you are always welcome to watch the comm for public posts.

Why are we doing this?

This may seem harsh, but it's important to the supportive nature of the community to not have outsiders watching over our shoulders as us authors face our problem children and try to get them to behave. It's great that people friended the comm to get to know it better, but its first priority is to the member community and the mission of getting fic finished and published for our fandoms.

So again, if you planned on signing up as an author or first reader, now is your final opportunity for this round: sign ups close at midnight Pacific Time. ***noon Pacific Time on Saturday 6/11- Sign ups Extended!***

If not, make sure you watch the comm so you can be alerted for when sign ups open and close for future rounds. (FYI The comm is low traffic if you're not a member.)

June 2011 Author Sign Ups

June 2011 First Reader Sign Ups

Sign ups now close Saturday June 11th at *NOON* Pacific Time!


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