(no subject)

Jun 12, 2010 03:30

So I posted this elsewhere and got a small response, but I'd rather talk to a few different people.

I'm looking for someone that is familiar with both Star Trek Reboot and the Sentinel to discuss a long fic I'm writing.

The main setting will be Star Trek, but I'll be pulling somethings from the TV series The Sentinel. While I don't plan on using any of the characters except in passing mention, the story will revolve strongly around the whole Sentinel/Guild relationship. And this may sound strange but I haven't actually seen any of the series myself. I just stumbled onto the fandom while reading one of my favorite authors, but I have read a lot. So while I do feel I know the series relatively well (I've read over wiki's and ep guides), my view of it is heavily skewed by fanon (the less fanatical side that is :D).

The basic summary is as follows:

After a mission gone bad, Spock comes back experiencing odd, unexplainable symptoms that have him questioning both his sanity and his ability to hold his position. When Spock requests to be removed from his post Jim of course has to confront him and see what this nonsense is about. Discoveries ensue and neither are prepared for the ramifications.

This will be a Jim/Spock fic. Other main characters will be Bones, Uhura, Spock Prime, Sarek, (and possibly Sybok, Stonn, Gaila). The rating will likely be high and contain things that may be triggering such as abuse (sexual, physical, and emotional) though only in talk of the past.

I've never actually written a fic like this that's requiring me to come up with so much backstory, so discussing it is helping my thought process a lot. I have a good ten pages of background now that will probably never see the light of day, but needs to be there for me to pull from and prevent any major plotholes.

I didn't even want to touch it with a ten foot pole, but there was no way around it without seeming like a copout, but I totally had to justify pon farr... My poor brain. LOL.

I have the beginning pretty much planned out right now, so I'm now needing someone that's willing to discuss the soul sucking angst the emotional discovery process that Jim and Spock go through.

I prefer to discuss this through IMs, since it'd probably be against the rules of the big bang this is for to talk about it in detail in public. :)

Anyone up for the challenge?
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