big bang woes

Jul 24, 2010 17:57

Writer's Block.

I've never had it happen to me before. I mean, I guess that's what this is. I thought that I was being all clever in using a sequel  to my pinto fic for my rpf_big_bang and the idea of that deadline looming ahead scares the crap out of me. It started out with people requesting more sex... which I'm fine with. heh. It just didn't fit into the orig story, and the ending wasn't as squishy as I had anticipated... and involved far fewer  body fluids.  So no probs, I see that the bigbang is coming up and I think.. hai! yay, more than one way to defur a feline.

I'm working from an outline. In chapter 1 x, y, z needs to happen, chapter 2, a, b, c, etc. So it's not like I don't know where I want the story to go.  My problem is, I keep trying to do character development.... on family members. I mean these are real people! And frankly that squicks me enough that I kept putting off what I was writing.

So, then I got past that, and .. and... I don't know. I just keep waffling back and forth, deleting scenes, rewriting scenes, etc. It's driving me bugshit to be honest .(and quite frankly I think I'm driving other  people bugshit too because I can't stop whining about it!)

So when this happens to you... well wait. does it happen? Is there some trick to get past it? Do you have any suggestions for me? I'm just getting so frustrated that I'm ready to pull out my hair, which would be a shame because I just got it cut and it looks rather awesome.

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