Song: Fall For You - Secondhand Seranade
Prompt: Tender
Kris was always glad when he and Katy were on good terms. It wasn't like they were on bad terms a lot, but it was just nice to know that they could just be with each other, and not worry about any kind of unresolved issue.
These were the nights he stared at her, but not in a creepy way. More like, he was in awe that he ended up with someone who was so amazing, and so much more than he really deserved.
"You're thinking again," Katy said quietly.
Kris nodded, wordless.
"Stop it," she chided, smiling, and kissed him gently. "I lucked out getting you, so stop thinking that you're the only one who got something great here."
Kris blinked, and then slowly, he kissed her back. He had no idea how she managed to read his mind. But it made him fall for her all over again.