Title Drop Prompt: Imprisonment Medium Fic Author(s): ficdirectory Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Medical Emergency. Notes: Deleted Scene of previous fic, Imitator. Written for hc_bingo.
Recognition flashed in Adam's eyes and he moved quickly to find Kris's meter, which he now kept in his pocket.
Hope Kris keeps the meter in his own pocket and not Adam's, haha! (Sorry, I had to!)
"Don't do that to me. Come on, I gotta go, and do somethin' else."
Very convincing, Kris.
"All right. 42 isn't very good. Alli," he called.
"Got it," Allison called back. Without being told, she retrieved a can of Coke from the little hotel fridge and brought it to them.
Yay, tag team!
"I wasn't fired from my job! I was laid off! But you wouldn't know the difference! ...I didn't want salmon! I said it four times!" Kris exclaimed, knocking the can away.
Sooo sad but sooo epic.
"This is your lucky day, then," Adam said calmly right in Kris's ear. "'Cause there's no salon, just Coke. Now, you've gotta cooperate okay?"
Hehe! And you're missing an m in salmon...
"This wedding is horse shit..." he exclaimed, when what he really wanted was for someone to help. For someone to understand. For someone to come and fix what was wrong. To
( ... )
Comments 2
Hope Kris keeps the meter in his own pocket and not Adam's, haha! (Sorry, I had to!)
"Don't do that to me. Come on, I gotta go, and do somethin' else."
Very convincing, Kris.
"All right. 42 isn't very good. Alli," he called.
"Got it," Allison called back. Without being told, she retrieved a can of Coke from the little hotel fridge and brought it to them.
Yay, tag team!
"I wasn't fired from my job! I was laid off! But you wouldn't know the difference! ...I didn't want salmon! I said it four times!" Kris exclaimed, knocking the can away.
Sooo sad but sooo epic.
"This is your lucky day, then," Adam said calmly right in Kris's ear. "'Cause there's no salon, just Coke. Now, you've gotta cooperate okay?"
Hehe! And you're missing an m in salmon...
"This wedding is horse shit..." he exclaimed, when what he really wanted was for someone to help. For someone to understand. For someone to come and fix what was wrong. To ( ... )
I know, isn't he?
Go, kids, go!
Ahaha! I know! Actually had to look it up on YouTube to be sure I got the quote right, LOL.
Yes, tell him, Adam!
Calm down, little fella!
Ahaha! Best EVER!
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