Altered RealityPairing: None
Characters: Jack Bristow (Alias) and Capt Jack Harkness (Torchwood) + other supporting cast members.
Rating: PG-13 (some mentions of torture, but nothing explicit)
Challenge: Karokegal's Come as you aren't Halloween costume challenge. View all the costumes
here I encourage you to have a visit, lots of fun costumes of all sorts and fandoms are over there.
Summary: Capt Jack Harkness is taken captive and Jack Bristow is asked to rescue him.
Notes: aka why is this a costume...This is an musical crossover. There is singing and dancing, but not all singing and dancing, there is a wee bit of plot sprinkled about as well. Thanks to our hostess for giving me the seed that germinated into this fic that you may or may not read. John and Victor both play action heroes and both sing, so this seemed somehow natural. I have written a cross over (House/Justice) and het, slash and dabbled in RPG femslash. I have written drama, and comedy, even a song fic or two. I even did crack. So, I thought long and hard on my costume this year and so ... A Gen crossover, musical.
Beta: The super efficient
evila_elf as usual.
Words: 5485
dance dance dance