I have an interview with Clifton Gunderson, a CPA firm in Indianapolis, on October 11th (tentative). A bit of a break-down:
We had a career fair yesterday. Over 140 business and graduate schools were there, including about 25 CPA firms. To sit for the CPA exam (and get your masters) you have to have 150 credit hours. I will be graduating with 126 with plans to get a job to gain experience while going to school part time to get enough credits to sit for the exam.
Most of the firms don't like this much, and want you already certified and all your time devoted to them. Also, most of the employers were at the fair looking for full time interns in the spring (impossible for me since I will be going in my final semester) or employment for next August.
At the Clifton Gunderson booth, the people were extremely friendly, and didn't mind that I was going to be graduating with <150 hours. The lady asked what I was looking for and I said "of course employment after graduation, but I am also interested in a part-time internship until graduation, if available." She explained that many of their interns are hired on as part time, and that they had immediate openings for some, and jokingly (i think) askeed "when can you start?" I told her asap, and she was thrilled. She then explained to me that they almost always hire their interns on full time after their internship since they know the business already.
Get this - They gave me a pamphlet and it says they pay up to $4,000 a year (or semester, I forget) for you to continue schooling to get your 150 hours to sit for the exam. WOW. I was really pleased with the company, and really hope that this could work out. Every booth had an "on-campus" interview day, and CG's isn't until Oct 11th. I emailed the lady that I spoke with, thanked her for talking with me, and let her know that if it would help her with the positions that are needing to be filled right away, I would be more than happy to stop by the Indianapolis area for an interview before the 11th. I hope it didn't come of asforward, but my ACC profs advised it. I got an auto-response saying that she was out until next week, so I must wait until then for a response.
This would be a huge blessing because this is a job in Indianapolis (where we are moving in June) and a place to get experience in my field. However, a part time internship would mean a two hour net commute 3 days a week in addition to full time school. I would be willing to take a pay cut for it, because the experience in the field is worth it (especially if they hire me on full-time).
On a similar note - school. This semester is very difficult. 400 level classes are kicking my butt. I have been in school for 17 years straight and I just want to scream.
Though deep down I know it isn't true - I feel like next semester I will be graduating with a BS degree in accounting and that I don't know a single thing about the subject. I've done well in all of my accounting courses, I just feel nervous about the "real world". My accum GPA is not good. But my business courses/acc courses is, and I hope that it outweighs my Accum (I had some problems with some GEN studies courses in my freshman year, and they have haunted me since). I don't want them to look at my accum and think that it means I am innaddequate.
Also - next week I am taking my writing competency exam. Basically they give you a topic and 2 hours and you have to write a 3 page paper. You cannot graduate without passing it.
So I guess just some continued prayer - for the next two semesters, for guidance, for my interview, and for life. I will be planning my wedding on top of all of this, and I can imagine that when that starts I will be ready to fall over. (I already lost the wedding planner that we bought and I put all of the information in) >.<.