Challenge #18: Weekly Quick Fic #6

Jan 10, 2014 22:43

Title: Becoming
Prompt: Overpowering
Bonus? Yes
Word Count: 251
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Doctor Who (Fifth Doctor era)
Pairings (if any): None
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc): None
Summary: Turlough doesn't know who he is

Turlough doesn't know who he is.

Vislor Turlough

He knows the the what and when and where, but not the who. He knew once, or thinks he did, that younger, more idealistic version of himself who was so eager to join up and fight. The one who was once commended for valor and shot to kill.

Junior Ensign Commander

That Turlough died somewhere he pretends to have forgotten. The plains of Trion, perhaps, or in the detention center, more likely, repeating name, rank, identification code in an endless loop because he doesn't know anything and never did.

Identification Code VTEC9/12/44

He's been so many things: son, soldier, prisoner, exile, traitor. And now, for the first time, he's beginning to suspect he might be a friend. The weight of who he was, who he can't be, who he is becoming threatens to crush him in an overpowering tide of failure and broken dreams and all the lives he'll never lead.

Vislor Turlough

And somewhere in there, buried amongst the detritus, is a tiny flicker of hope for something better. A hope he doesn't deserve, but that he selfishly refuses to kill, even if it crushes him, too.

Junior Ensign Commander

He watches the Doctor sometimes and wonders what the Time Lord sees when he looks at him. If he sees through the lies and evasions to something Turlough himself is too much of a coward to face. Something different, something new. Maybe even something better.

Identification Code VTEC9/12/44

Turlough doesn't know who he is.

writerverse, gen, *fandom: doctor who

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