Apr 27, 2010 13:02

Title: Change
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Ship: Holmes/Watson (implied)
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Warnings: First person Holmes POV? Moving more in the direction of pastiche.
Notes: Another offering for holmes100, for the prompt "it is Watson's fault."

I have been forced to admit, if only to myself, that recent years have seen a change in me. I am less prone to prolonged periods of black melancholy. I might even dare say I am easier to associate with, though perhaps that credits my fellows with greater fortitude than they truly possess. I am undecided as to whether this change is for the best, for I fear I may one day lose my edge entirely, but that it has occurred is undeniable.

I wonder if he's noticed. I like to think so. It is entirely his doing, after all.

drabble, *fandom: sherlock holmes, slash

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