Dec 23, 2007 18:25
The school IT guy as at the staff Christmas party, and somehow, I was there when conversation turned to his ability to monitor out internet usage. He freely confessed that he can find out every single thing we have done on the school PCs and that nobody has crossed the line (yet) but he watches us. Then, to me and another techie-inclined colleague, he said said 'actually, I watch you guys more because you actually know how to do things. I don't worry as much about the ones that can barely work a mouse.'
That surprised me a little. I guess I thought I had a certain amount of trust and/or slack because he knew I wouldn't do something stupid like download a virus. But apparently not :) In his mind, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and I am on the hot list. Good to know, I suppose. It is always best to assume that your boss is monitoring every single thing you do. But now, I have confirmation that very time I get bored during lunch hour and go read Boing Boing or something, Aaron the IT guy is right there with me :)