Oct 14, 2007 12:49
Memo to the people who share the common computer room at the JCC:
1) If you remove parts of the computer, such as, for example, the speakers, it would be really nice if you could put them back when you're finished. If you don't put them back, they are actually not there when another group wants to use them. On a related note, if you unplug them, please plug them back in, or at least, leave them in the general vicinity of where you found them so that they might be pligged back in by another person at some future date.
2) If you leave your stupid autoload cd-rom inside the computer, it will actually autoload when the next person starts up the machine. This can slow things down by about five minutes as we wait for it to finish loading so that we can make it quit. Multiply that by the 20 computers you were using them in, and that is really a major pain for the next group.
3) Similarly, regarding the cd-rom drive, if you find that your crash-prone antiquated autoload cd is not working, please remove it before you insert another one. When you don't do that, the cd-rom drive jams because it is not built to handle two cd's at once. Then when another group wants to load a cd, the drive will not open. You see the problem there?
4) The sign on the wall says "log off, not shut down." This does not mean 'walk away and leave all your stuff there because you are incapable of tellintg the one button from the other.' It means that you need to press the log off button. If you don't, all your stuff will still be there when the next group comes, which is bad for you because it means they can muck around with all your stuff, and bad for them because it means they have to take ten minutes logging you out so that they can log in as themselves and access their own stuff.
Rant over. There, I feel better now.