
Aug 24, 2008 13:08

Title: Bamf
Medium Fanfic: Supernatural and X-men.
Artist: chocca2 
Disclaimer: If you recognise them, I don’t own them.
Summary: Wolverine and Nightcrawler call in some help on a case.
Note to Mom: It’s all safe, I think. lol And you’re awesome!
Notes to TK: TK, I had fun playing with the X-men and Winchesters. I like your taste; Nightcrawler and Wolverine are my favourite too! In my fic they know each other. Hee!
A big sloppy kiss to the fabulous pdragon76  for the beta. She’s so incredibly awesome!

Bamf - the noise made when Nightcrawler teleports.
Autsch - German for ouch.


There was nothing graceful about the way he landed. It was hard, fast and painful.

He was on top of a filling cabinet and for a split second, balanced on one foot before he fell to the floor with an almighty crash.

“Autsch!” Kurt rubbed his butt as he stood. He shook his head.

This was why he hated using pictures for reference. They were great if nothing moved. He would pick a spot and ‘presto’, he’d be there. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as simple as that, and when it came to still images, things changed. Be it objects, furniture, structures, over time these things got moved around. Teleporting could be tricky business. Yes, he had an ability to sense solid matters, ‘spatial awareness’, to be precise. But get it wrong you could end up inside a wall. Xavier had checked to be sure the structure of the building hadn’t changed so there would no new walls to worry about. Nothing could be done about the rearrangement of furniture.

Kurt tip toed over the fallen folders, scattered stationery that included some rather sharp board pins and crushed filing boxes. Not the best items to land on with his butt, he thought. “Ahh, no more photo reference, we use doors next time.” He grumbled, continued to shake his head. He was really not having a good day. ”We need a nice and quiet way in. For that we require someone who can enter unnoticed…” He remembered Xavier’s calm and clear instructions. That was why he had been chosen. The ability to get into a room without using a door was useful and if done properly could also be stealthy. Nightcrawler cringed; his entry today hadn’t been very quiet or stealthy. He glanced around the room. Hopefully no one heard the crash. So far it seemed clear. He had confidence that security had been taken care of, thanks to the other X-Men. His ‘simple’ task was to go in, take pictures and leave. “DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING.” And that was all he was told. He knew nothing more about the case; he wasn’t involved in any further discussions on the overall plan. The way things were going so far, he was glad. He just wanted things over and done with.

Apart from the structure, the lab looked nothing like the picture. The room was filled with computer screens, testing equipment, machines and one in particular that caught his eye. It was big. Very big.

“Whoa.” He had never seen anything like it.

His three fingers hovered over the shiny surface; almost reptilian-like to the touch. It made him shudder and he pulled away quickly. And then there was the noise, it was almost as if the thing was breathing. It was a deep mechanical hum.

“Hmm, that is…interesting.”

His finger barely made contact with it the second time when he heard a loud swishing sound followed by a pulsating drone of electricity. The room was filled with a blinding flash of light. Nightcrawler was zapped by a bright yellow beam that shot from one end of the machine. It lasted only a few seconds before going back to its quiet hum.

Kurt rubbed his eyes, surprised he wasn’t in any pain. Just felt a little shaken, like the time he went on the first bike ride with Wolverine; slightly queasy. He also didn’t feel quite right. Something was definitely wrong. Luckily he didn’t need to go far to find out, as he heard the giggle. He turned his head.

“Oh no. This is not good. You…You came from me, didn’t you?” Kurt was starring at another spitting image of himself. “Hey…where’d you…go?” It also had the same powers. “Hey, stop that.”

“Hey. Stop that.”

“No. You stop that.”

“No. You stop that.”

“Ouch.” Kurt felt the pull on his tail before he saw the puff of blue smoke that followed his twin’s bamf.

“Ouch.” His twin mimicked him and stuck his tongue out.

“Ok, this repetitive stuff is getting annoying.”

This time his twin mouthed Nightcrawler’s phrase and followed it with a playful wag of his tail.

They were both staring at each other, each waiting for the next move.

“Can you say anything of your own? In fact it does not even matter, you need to go back…into me…or… wherever you came from.” Kurt frowned as he tried to process who or what he was staring at. Was it part of him? A duplicate? Clone? Or something else? He wasn’t sure; he thought maybe it would have been a good idea to know what was going on here after all.

“It’s okay, we can sort this out and you’ll be back to wherever you need to be once the others get here.” Kurt said, to mostly reassure himself.


“No? What do mean, no?”

“No, I’m not going back.”

“What? Yes, you are.”

“Ha-ha. Make me.” And with that his twin disappeared in a cloud of blue smoke. He landed on top of a corner cabinet at the back of the room. “Catch me,” he reappeared on the ceiling, “catch me, if you can.”

Five days later

Sam held the newspaper out in front of him, smoothed it out with a light shake as he leaned back into the passenger seat of the Impala. “So let me get this straight, the town is being terrorised by a blue human-like creature?” Sam snorted. “With a tail?” He let his lips curl into a smile and shook his head. “I’ve said this before, Dean. Our lives are weird.”

“Tell me ‘bout it.”

“I mean, nobody’s actually been killed or even put in real danger. Whatever this thing is, it seems more of a nuisance than an actual threat.”

“Yeah, I know. The critter sounds harmless, but Logan wouldn’t have called if he didn’t need our help.” Dean straightened, took a glance at his watch then frowned.

It didn’t go unnoticed. Sam watched him intensely for a long moment. “So, it’s possibly a mutant, then? Did he say anything else; give you some idea of what we’re dealing with?”

“Nah, he kept it brief.” Dean rubbed his eye, they were making good time but there was something about this job that made him uneasy. On the surface, the job looked a walk in the park but… there was definitely something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He gripped the wheel and put his foot down.


Wolverine sniffed the air a few times, scanned the dark alley before sharply turning to his left.

“Fun ‘n games are over, runt. I’m tired of chasin’ ya.” With that, he dismounted the bike and walked deeper into the dark alley. He stopped suddenly. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people.” The scrape of metal blades filled the air. “Somebody could get hurt.”

“Now, now, Wolverine. I wasn’t sneaking up on anyone,” she smiled. “We both know you sensed me a mile back.”

“I sure did. It’s your lucky day. You’re not who I’m looking for right now.” He flexed his fist as he turned to face her.

“What do you want, Mystique?” It was a deep, annoyed growl. He had no time for any more games.

They were both distracted by the deep grumble of an engine approaching.

Mystique stiffened, hissed as she moved into the darkness, out of the Impala’s headlights.

The sound of creaking hinges, slamming doors, brought the two hunters into view.

“’Bout time you guys showed up.” Wolverine retracted his blades and eased his shoulders as he made his way towards the Winchesters.

“Good to see ya too.” Dean switched his gun to his left hand, held out his right.

Logan met Dean’s hand, gave him a firm solid shake and followed it with a pat on the shoulder. He went over and did the same to Sam. “Sorry, pal. No time for pleasantries, gotta get right to it.”

He sucked in some air, looked up and did a quick scan. “Damn it. He’s gone.” He sighed.

“Who?” Sam followed Wolverines line of sight, tried to catch a clue of who he was after. “The thing in the paper?”

“Listen up, you guys follow me back to base. I’ll fill you in when we get there.” Logan made his way to his bike, mounted it. “Oh an’… try keep up.” He fired up engine and gave the Winchesters a wide grin as slid on his helmet.

Dean glanced over at Sam and they both smiled.

The Impala came to life and spun out of the alley, with a screech of tyres and burn of rubber.



“Pssst” Nightcrawler stepped over a pile of comics. “Hey, dude, wake up.”

“Kurt?” TK flicked the light switch.

Nightcrawler shielded himself from the flood of light that filled the room. He squinted, focused on TK, and smiled. “Hey…”

“What are you doing here?”

“Well my friend, I need your help.”




Nightcrawler smiled mischievously and his eyes lit up. “I think you know why.”

This time it was TK who had the mischievous grin. He nodded. “Yeah, I do, if you’re talking about what’s been in the news...”

“News?” Nightcrawler scrunched up his face.

“Kurt, you’re all over the news, man.” TK got up and went to grab the paper from his desk. “There’s a picture of you in the paper.”

“Really?” His face flashed with excitement before he frowned. “Oh…no no no, this is- this is not good.”

“You can say that again. So what happened?”

“It’s not me.” Nightcrawler shook his head with intensity.

“Huh, what? Who is it?”

“Well, I was minding my own business…” He stopped, sighed. His conscience was making it self known. He cleared his throat and continued. “Okay, so I was a little intrigued by the object.”

“What object?”

“The one in the laboratory.”

“What laboratory?” TK placed a hand on his back. “Nightcrawler, maybe you should start from the beginning; you’re not making much sense.”

Nightcrawler nodded and smiled at him. “Okay.” He made a move to sit on the bed, his tail knocked down some books on the table. “Oops, sorry.” He offered another sheepish smile.

“Careful, you’ll have to keep it down, Mom’s watching Criminal Minds.”

“Oooh.” Nightcrawler cringed and nodded. “I remember what happened last time.” They both giggled. “Your mother is the best, but she was not pleased when I interrupted her show.”

They both chuckled some more. “Well, it’s a cool show,” TK stated.

“I agree.”

“Come on, let’s get back to business.” TK straightened himself. “By the sounds of it, we have a lot of work to do. About this job you had, the laboratory?”

“Ahhh, yes.” Nightcrawler began explaining what had happened, the machine, the double and how he thought he could try and fix things.

“So I thought, you could use your teleporting and time travel powers to help us go back before I entered the room?” Nightcrawler watched and waited for TK’s response.

“Hmm, yes, that’s a possibility. But it doesn’t solve the main issue. This machine is a major problem. I think we could catch your twin, go back to the machine and have it reverse what it did.” TK nodded as he thought. “Yes, see that way, with the help of X-men we can try destroy the machine altogether.”

Nightcrawler sighed. “You are right. I knew I could rely on you, TK.”

“No problemo. So, we’ll need some help cornering your double. We catch him and keep hold of him. I figure the both of us can make sure he doesn’t bamf.”

“Sounds perfect. We will also need to be careful; he is slippery and very mischievous. My attempts have shown he can play dirty.” Nightcrawler rubbed a hand over a bite mark on his arm.

“I think we should be able to handle him.” TK lightly nudged Nightcrawler. “So, you said Wolverine has hired some outside help?”

“Oh, yes,” he replied. “Winchesters, have you heard of them?”

TK snorted. “Yes, we’ve crossed paths. They’re good.”

“Okay, we’ll report back to Wolverine. He’ll be pleased we have you in on this job.”


Wolverine grumbled. “You guys simply got lucky”

Dean and Sam shared wide grins. “Uh huh.” They had arrived back to base in no time. The Winchesters made it back before Wolverine, who was less than pleased about that fact.

“After this is over, I’ll be happy to show you how lucky…” Wolverine’s smile was directed towards Dean.

“So, Logan, fill us in on this job.” Sam stepped between them.

“You need our man power?” Dean demonstrated by loading his shot gun.

“Not that kinda help. You’ll have to put your toys away on this one fellas.” He shook his head.

Dean’s frown faded as he caught on. “That include your cutlery set, Logan?” He chuckled lightly.

Wolverine groaned. “Yeah, it does.” He moved over to a cabinet, grabbed a pile of documents and dropped them on the table.

“It’s complicated. You don’t need to worry about that though. Cut a long story short, I called you guys in for a game of cat an’ mouse.” He grinned. “We’re playing cat.”

“Who’s mouse?” Dean replied.

“The thing in the papers?” Sam asked as he began looking through the documents.

“Yeah. He’s not to be harmed. But we have to catch him.” Wolverine explained about how Nightcrawler had been zapped. He told them Nightcrawler was also enlisting a friend who could help. “They should be here soon.”


Sam and Dean waved at the cloud of blue smoke. “What the…” Dean cleared his vision to see a young boy and blue creature in front of them.

“Good timing guys. Was just talking about you.” Wolverine shook TK’s hand. “Good to be working with ya again, kid.” He patted Nightcrawler on the back and faced the Winchesters.

“Winchesters, meet TK and Nightcrawler.”

Nightcrawler smiled. “You can call me Kurt.” He held his hand out towards Sam.

Both Winchesters greeted them and were filled in on the task at hand.

“So, all we have to do is lure him close enough to you guys?”


“And how exactly are we to do that?” Sam asked.

“With this.” Nightcrawler held up a slice of blueberry pie. “If there is one thing I cannot resist, it is pie.” He took a large bite to demonstrate.

Wolverine made a disgusted face as he watched him chew. He shook his head and shuddered.

Dean watched him intensely. “Hang on a minute. Logan, that’s why you asked us in on the job, isn’t it? You can’t stand pie. If I remember right, you’re scared.” Dean pointed and began to laugh.

“I ain’t scared. Just…I’m allergic,” he growled.

“Okaaay.” Sam suppressed a laugh of his own. It was strange for someone such as Wolverine to have a phobia about pie. He shrugged his shoulders, and nodded. It’s a bit like my fear of clowns, he thought.

TK and Nightcrawler stopped giggling. They cleared their throats. “Let’s do this.”


The picnic table was arranged and packed with a large variety of pie. Blueberry, cherry, apple; Dean’s eyes widened with delight at the sight. He would have no trouble sitting at the table pretending to eat and enjoy pie. Nightcrawler’s twin was tricksy and liked to steal pie from others. On previous attempts, the X-men had tried placing pie and leaving it there for him, but he was too clever for that. He only seemed to enjoy taking it from those who were truly seen to be enjoying it. That was something Dean could do well. Sam liked pie too, of course.

“This is good pie,” Dean stated around a mouthful, nodding toward Sam.

Sam took a bite. “Mmm, it is actually. Really really good.”

And that’s when it happened.


Sam’s face was pressed into his slice, his vision temporarily covered by blue smoke and pie. He couldn’t make a move fast enough.


Dean was mid-way into his bite as the pie was snatched from him. He heard a giggle followed by a light shove sending him off the bench. “Hey, you little …”


TK and Nightcrawler bamfed out of the bushes. They both grabbed hold of the double. TK had a hold of his tail as Nightcrawler held his arms.

“We have him,” TK shouted.

Wolverine leapt out of a tree. With a duck and roll movement he placed a metal device around the double’s ankle. He then attached the other end to his wrist. “You ain’t going anywhere, pal.”

Sam was wiping pie from his face as Wolverine, TK and Nightcrawler made their way towards them. Coughs were hiding some laughs at the sight before them.

“Nice work fellas.”

Dean stood and brushed himself off. He grinned to Wolverine. “Our pleasure.” It was laced with a hint of sarcasm.

“Seriously, I owe you one.” Wolverine patted Dean on the shoulder. Went to shake Sam’s hand but retracted it as he saw the pie. He grimaced.

“Thank you.” Nightcrawler moved towards them. “TK was right, you guys are great. Pleasure working with you.”

“You did a good job.” Dean nodded at TK. “Real good.”

“So, you sure you’re gonna be okay to finish it?” Sam questioned as he looked towards the chained twin.

“Yeah, the X-men can take it from here.” With that Wolverine patted the double on the head. “And we’ll have this one back to where he should be.”

Sam and Dean nodded.

“Keep in touch fellas.”

“We will.”
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