(no subject)

Jun 29, 2008 17:00

Idle Tuesdays

Warnings: Kinda violent, but in the way that most things for kids are.
Characters: Dean, Sam, Princess Buffy, tk (gen)
Summary: Don't worry about the future.
Spoiler warning: None.
Word count: 1.1 K
A/N 1: For tk, with love, and the best wishes for the future. :D
Disclaimer: Copywrites the properties of respective owners. Any cease and desists received will be complied with, and shown off at parties.

When tk looked up at the clock above his teacher's head, it was finally approaching lunchtime. That was awesome, of course, and so far, he didn't have too much homework to do.

Still, tk was puzzled. Awesome or not, no math homework? On a Tuesday? It seemed to be too much to be true. Tk knew better than to be unsuspicious. He kept a watchful eye out.

Thus, he was unsurprised when a strange man arrived at the doorway of his classroom; his teacher, confused, stepped out, but tk wisely paid attention.

When the teacher stepped back in, it was obvious to tk: the teacher had become a zombie! And not the good kind.

Quickly, he thought back - had his other teachers become zombies while he was daydreaming? Unfortunately, it was possible. He pushed the thought from his mind. Right now, all that mattered was that he carefully considered all the options for survival.

Tk was pushing the less appetising parts of his lunch around his plate when a teacher - maybe? Dropped into the seat in front of him. Tk arched an eyebrow in query, understandably more alarmed by the strange man than his lunch. Tk knew to be careful.

The man looked both ways, carefully, as if he were crossing a street instead of eating lunch, before he spoke. "I need your help."

Well, yeah. But tk was nobody's fool. He knew better than that. He arched his other eyebrow. "Okay?" he hedged carefully. Strange men were even scarier than zombies; he was gonna be careful.

The strange man hesitated. "Okay. This is going to sound crazy," he started.

Tk listened carefully. He knew that yes, sometimes people needed help - and sometimes they only pretended they did to hurt other people. He wasn't going to be a victim if he could help it. Sure, the zombie situation was scary, even for a kid like tk. But it was no reason to lose the head, and he wasn't gonna. "I'm listening," tk offered. It was clear that he didn't mean and I'll automatically believe you. Tk didn't want his face on a milk carton.

The guy was tall, like, huge. Taller than any of tk's relatives, and muscular, like a wrestler. He scrubbed his face with his hands. "I said it's gonna sound crazy, right?" the guy said.

Tk nodded, noncommittally.

"Okay," the guy said, and tk felt a little bad, but he knew better than to just give the other guy the benefit of the doubt. Most bad guys were good actors. Tk knew he was a kid - he had to be smart, because he knew he'd never win in a contest of strength against this giant. So tk wasn't mean, but he wasn't anyone's push over, either. "You've noticed strange things going on, right?"

Tk arched a non-committal eyebrow.

The guy continued. "Okay, you're right. Stranger danger. I don't mean to be a jackass."

Tk nodded.

"Okay. Here's what I know. Think I know." There was a pause as the guy looked around the cafeteria. Tk decided not to take his eyes off the man in front of him. "I know there's a zombie problem here at the school. The school district's vice superintendent is a necromancer - I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but she's raising evil zombies - "

Tk nodded. He didn't know the details, but that much was made sense, based on what he'd seen. Still, how much could he risk revealing to this stranger? He decided to wait and listen. Maybe a clue would present itself.

"My brother and I," the guy said, "we try to protect people from the supernatural. Well, you know, the evil supernatural. And I think - I think I need your help." The guy looked doubtful, and tk was - well, not reassured, exactly, but happier than he would have been if the guy had been trying to twist his arm into helping him. 'Cause, you know? CREEPY.

"So?" Tk didn't want to sound heartless, but he knew all about the 'help me find my lost kitten' spiel dangerous people perfected in aid of kidnapping kids. He was gonna be cautious.

"Um, I - look, your mom? Is a zombie princess," the guy said finally. "Just - help me call her, okay? Just help me that much. You don't have to leave the school grounds or get in my car or anything weird or creepy like that, okay?"

Tk could do that.

Sam - that was the guy's name - found an unoccupied office and they dialled tk's mom at work. She agreed to help.

Tk was relieved to see his mother when she made it back to school. Sam'd gone to pick her up from work on the back of his magical dimension compression motorcycle. The bike, normally stored in the back of the Impala, was pretty tough - still, tk would have rathered his mother didn't have to take those kind of risks to save the world.

Meanwhile, tk and Sam's brother, Dean, stalked the corridors of the school.

Dean wasn't as cautious as Sam had been, either about his mission or scaring tk, but tk could be watchful enough for both of them. He wasn't going to be a victim if he could help it, and he was very glad that his mom knew where he was, and who he was with.

Dean and tk had managed to get the last of the zombies shut into the girls' lavatory when tk heard the sound of Sam's motorcycle pulling onto the school's lawn. THANK GOD, tk thought. Fighting the good fight was HARD.

But, luckily, tk's mom, Princess Buffy, was able to save most of the zombies. A few of the zombies didn’t care that eating brains was wrong, or about hurting other people, but most of them understood Princess Buffy's logic and followed willingly.

The bad zombies were quickly enrolled in remedial woodwork classes, where they had to practice making stakes until they understood why eating brains was bad.

Tk got to ride Sam's magical motorcycle while his mom hung on. It was very cool, and Sam promised to visit and let tk ride it every summer.

*** *** ***
Title taken from the lyrics of Baz Luhrmann's 'Sunscreen'.

Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing everyday that scares you.


spn, zombies, tk, fic

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