The Super Seekrit Meeting

Jun 20, 2008 01:42

TITLE: The super seekrit meeting
SUMMARY: Some of the coolest characters have a secret meeting.
NOTE TO MOM: You have an awesome kid. (Genes, genes I tell you.)
NOTE TO TK: You are an awesome kid! Happy birthday, love. May all your dreams come true.
BETA: by shiny

Somewhere in a super seekrit meeting place…


“It’s got to be the Impala,” Dean said chewing noisily on a sandwich. Sam looked at him faintly disgusted. Batman didn’t seem very impressed either.

“My Batmobile is faster,” Batman said. Dean pffft-ed, managed to swallow the last bit of sandwich and waved everything off with his hand.

“Faster it may be. Cooler it ain’t. It’s a matter of style, and style-wise? Nothing beats my baby.”

Batman crossed his arms, turned his eyes to Sam as if seeking another voice of reason.

“Your brother has an unhealthy fixation with his car, Sam.”

“Don’t I know it,” Sam nodded. “The stories I could tell you…”

“Hey!” Dean said. “That was uncalled for. Besides, you have an unhealthy fixation with your hair, too, Sam, but it’s not like I’m nagging about it.”

“Yeah, but at least I’ve got no people commenting on it, Dean. Whereas you…”

“Whereas I get comments by guys prancing around in a bat costume,” Dean replied. “Since we’re talking about fixation and all that.”

“I have to keep my identity secret. It is imperative in order to save people,” Batman interjected.

“We’ve all been saving people, and we don’t have to wear lycra,” the Doctor said. His eyes twinkled. “Though your cape? Is wicked.”

“Yeah, but speaking of style,” Dean said, “… definitely the Impala.”

“No,” Batman said.

“Yes,” Dean replied.

“Boys,” Rose cut in. “Knock it off. Both of you. Now. This is not about you or who has the coolest car. Remember what we’re here for?”

Both Batman and Dean had the grace to look slightly embarrassed.

“She’s right, you know. I will reserve judgement as far as style is concerned, but on a more practical note, the Batmobile can’t hold us all,” the Doctor said. He was fiddling with his screwdriver.

“That’s why we’re taking the Impala. We can all cram in,” Dean replied.

“Are you sure you’re not possessed by a Dalek?” Rose said. “My God, your narrow-minded persistence! The TARDIS can hold us all. Including both Impala and Batmobile. What is your problem, Dean?”

Dean looked on the floor.

“What’s his problem, Sam?” Rose asked. Sam shrugged.

“He made me promise not to tell anyone about it.”

“Oh come on. This is for a greater good.”

“I’m afraid of flying,” Dean mumbled. Rose stifled a chuckle.

“See?” Dean said looking at her. “This is exactly why I didn’t want to say it out loud. It’s…”

“Humiliating?” Batman said smugly. Dean glared at him.

“Actually I think it’s rather cute,” Rose smiled. Dean beamed at her.

“Do you now, sweetheart? Cuz…”

“No,” Rose said.

“No what?”

“No, I’m not interested.”

“I wasn’t going to hit on you,” Dean said. Rose cocked her eyebrow.

“Maybe just a little,” he admitted. “Cuz you’re real pretty and all that stuff.”

The Doctor frowned.

“Do lines like these really work on girls, Dean?”

“Well… yeah.”

“Hm,” the Doctor said. He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Humanity never fails to surprise me.”

“Can we get back to the point, please?” Spencer Reid said. “Have you decided what means of transportation we’re taking?”

“Spencer Reid?” Sam frowned. “How did you get here? What are you doing here? This is a fic for tk. He didn’t mention your name in his favourite heroes list.”

“Yes, but his mom really likes me.”

“Fair enough,” the Doctor said. “But this is still a fic for tk. Isn’t your presence going to interfere with the timey wimey wibbly wobbly fic balance stuff?”

“His mom is buffyaddict13. Zombieprincess extraordinaire,” Sam said in a I-rest-my-case voice.

“Okay. You win,” the Doctor said.

“So,” Dean said. “How about we stop talking and get in the Impala and drive off? Huh? How about we get this fic moving? How about a little less talk and more drive or we’ll miss his birthday?”

“I hate to break it to you,” Reid says. “But the time zone in this super seekrit…”

“Not so seekrit,” Sam said. “You showed up out of the blue.”

“Fine. The time zone in this ‘not as super seekrit as it should have been’ meeting place is different.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Oh come on, Rose, you’re travelling with a Timelord!” the Doctor said. “Haven’t you learned anything? What Spence is saying is that time has already moved on. That tk’s birthday has already passed. We’re late.”

“Dammit,” Dean said. Rose laid a hand on his shoulder.

“The TARDIS is a time machine, too,” she said. “We can get back in time and not miss his birthday.”

“Okay,” Dean mumbled. “It’s for tk.”

The Doctor chuckled.

“You knew about this!” Batman said. “You knew it all along.”

The Doctor shrugged.

“I am a Timelord,” he said. “Told you my ride was the coolest of them all.”


Somewhere in a super seekrit (or not so super seekrit) meeting place a Batmobile and an Impala boarded the TARDIS. The TARDIS started humming and whirring and flashing light till it became invisible…

… and became visible again on the birthday of an awesome boy.

But that, dear reader, is a different story.

-The End.

batman, dr. who, spn, tk, fic

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