Fandom: DCU (comics)
Pairing: Tim Drake (Robin III)/Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle III)
Situation: Jaime hugging a reluctant Tim or Jaime snuggling a sleeping Tim. I'd like something that will be ultimately iconable, please. Also, in color, if it's not too much trouble.
Offer: I'll write fic in return. The list of pairings I write can be found in the
tags page of my journal. Content and length to be specified by the artist who fulfills my request and will be based on the amount of time and effort the artist put into their work. For example I'd write a longer fic for something inked and colored than just a doodle. I'd prefer if it didn't exceed 10,000 words.
Thanks in advance. :D
omg com activity for
milleniumrex :DD