So I've been hit-or-miss on Glee this year, even by Glee standards. (I don't like that the growth Rachel underwent last year is alternately erased or assigned to Finn, who is dicking it up even more than his usual standards this episode in particular.) I'm kinda baffled by the fact that Will is laying down his dickery--and is being appropriate to and around his students--in order to legitimately attempt to do right by Kurt tonight. EDIT: And right by Bieste, too. Holy shit, I don't know who this person is and where he suddenly got a conscience.
Kurt is fucking killing me, here. Chris Colter has mentioned that he goes a little bit method in these scenes, and he breaks my heart every fucking time.
But none of that is what I'm here to talk about! In spite of my lack of fondness of Artie this season, I enjoy Kevin McHale's voice more than any other dude's on the show, with Mark Salling coming in a close second. I enjoyed their song this much. *holds out arms*
EDIT: What is the minimum age to receive an Emmy? 'Cause the Raising Hope baby kinda deserves one.
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