Nikita 2.20-"Shadow Walker"

Apr 27, 2012 19:59

Okay, so Birkhoff gets like two episodes per season, and they tend to use them judiciously, so I will be kind about Birkhoff's massive, snitty bitch-fit this episode. He's less far down the redemption road than are Nikita and Michael, plus he's just...Birkhoff. Which is a trait of his that I will admittedly never trade, so yay. Plus this episode gave us lots of Nikita and Birkhoff being adorable about one another in the sweet sibling way they have (I will firmly stand by my opinion that Amanda had one of her rare errors in assuming that Birkhoff had an unrequited love for Nikita; she doesn't know what true familial love looks like) and a caboodle of Alex and Birkhoff being dorktastic.

But mostly, I love that last scene. Y'all, this group has stitched together themselves a made family out of blood, sweat, and tears, and they deserve every last second of it.

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