Relevant to your interests:
Women of Interest, a comm interested in the awesome PoI ladies. It was all that I could do not to shout, "CARTERCARTERCARTER-EEEEEEEE!" and dissolve into a dolphin noise upon finding out that this comm existed.
I love that Carter is planting her feet and refusing to give up her Lawful Good roots while working with Reese and Co. (And that she's being a snotty bitch right back to Reese when he tries to pull his Batman shit on her. Look, I like the dude and all, but his brand of Manpainy character is most endearing when there's someone to the side going, "...are you seriously happening right now?") She would honestly be a weaker character than anything we've seen thus far if Snow all by his lonesome was enough to convince her that the system was broken, rather than just convincing her that Snow is/was a dick and that vigilantism is justified in this singular instance.
Reese venting his spleen against Finch in Carla's office is hilarious. I do enjoy that there's still tension between them even after Reese almost died.
"In the meantime, can you try not to break any more laws?" AND SHE'S ALREADY MORE EXASPERATED AND FOND THAN SERIOUSLY PERTURBED. Team Super-Competent Hotasses for the win!
Aw, I like Carla. The actress is selling a goodheartedness and generosity of spirit that explains some of her dumb choices without her, as a whole, being stupid. (IPOD. WEARING YOUR IPOD BUDS DOWN A DARK AND DESERTED STREET. OMG, DARWINISM IS TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING, SWEETHEART.)
"When you grow up where I did, you learn how to take care of yourself." NOPE, NOT LETTING THE IPOD THING GO JUST YET.
"It's my job. And I didn't even have to shoot anyone." Heeee. I love so hard how much Carter is getting to shine as a deliciously snarky bitch now that she's moving over to wary ally rather than antagonist. Henson and Cavaziel have fun, spark-throwing chemistry once they're actually face to face.
"If we're going to work together, Detective, a little bit of trust is in order." I don't grok to Michael Emerson a great deal of the time, but he does put this nice little ironic self-awareness onto his lines whenever Finch is being a particularly shady SOB. Well done, sir.
Nice switch-up with the villain! I had a feeling that he and his boss both meant something, since the camera lingered just a bit too long and hinted at ongoing relationships between the three, but I was putting money on something more schmoopy.
This big denouement is the point at which Reese generally would have killed the bastard. Carter showing up and arresting [Villainous Bastard] instead, while simultaneously nodding at Reese to get the victim out of there on the sly, is a good touch. I want to see this show going forward.
I also enjoyed that Reese's wound isn't all better, he's just really good at pushing through pain and doint what he has to do. Gut wounds don't get better within a week, folks.
My GOD, but this show has some GQ motherfuckers on it. I'm just saying, there is not one person who can't work a white dress shirt against the curve of a throat.
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