Title: Identity Theft
Author: snogged
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon and many other corporations own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I don’t. Please don’t sue.
Pairing: Willow/Spike, mentions Willow/Oz
Rating/Warnings: FRM/R; for sexual situations, angst/dark, possible emotional and traumatic themes, and body swapping
Word Count: 3237
Summary: What if, instead of switching bodies with Buffy, Faith switches bodies with Willow?
Setting: BtVS, Season 4, AU - “This Year’s Girl/Who Are You?”
Beta Crew: The lovable and amazing
velvetwhip. All other mistakes are mine.
Author’s Note: Written for the Which Willow Challenge 2014. Many thanks to
dragonydreams for running this challenge year after year. It’s definitely a favorite of mine.
Author’s Note 2: I dedicate this story in celebration of the life of
pickamix. It may seem weird, but I could feel her cheering me on from the other side as I wrote this. I wish you could be here to read this, hun. I love and miss you.
Identity Theft