Title: Complete
Fandom: The Faculty > Stokely Mitchell
Characters: Stokely Mitchell
CD & Song: Fully Alive ~ Flyleaf
Rating: G
Summary: Stokely's change in thought after becoming one of the aliens.
Author's Notes: Stokely's POV
http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/flyleaf/fullyalive.html Complete
I was afraid, so afraid to become one of them. Having it actually happen, the transition is painful, but I see what Stan was talking about. No fear, no pain, no hurt, nothing but a feeling of serenity and calm.
Before there was no future or hope for me or anyone. Not even for Casey who seemed to be trying so hard to keep it together and play the hero for once in his pathetic little existence. Now, all I can see is future, it's obvious we'll win. This planet has enough water for us to last a long while.
This feeling I now have is beautiful. I feel like for the first time I'm alive. I've never felt so invigorated and instictive, like I could do anything I wanted to, like I'll never have a single complaint about the world I live in ever again. I feel totally and utterly complete and invincable.
If only Zeke and Casey could feel that. If they could, they'd never want go back, just like me.