Title: A Letter from the Dark Team: Ron Rating/Warnings: Sad Wordcount: 498 Prompt: Fight!Fight!Fight! Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Wizarding World.
It's wonderful. And so very Draco to write it all down in a letter that Ron may never see...and even if he does, he can't confront Draco and *do* something about it.
It's gorgeous and tragic and I adore it.
You writes such hot pron my mind mushes!
THANK YOU! It might be nice to write something *other* than smutty smut every now and then, though. But that's what comes to me, so I suppose I should just leave it be. :p
Now you write more sexy fighting y/y?
I'll see what I can do. ;)
p.s recognise my icon?
Is...is that TANNER? :FLAILS:
Does my icon look familiar? (Hint: follow the butterfiles...)
Team: Ron
Rating/Warnings: Sad
Wordcount: 498
Prompt: Fight!Fight!Fight!
Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Wizarding World.
Drabble:Dear Ron Weasley ( ... )
This is beautiful.
It's writing like this that makes me wonder what the hell I'm doing even trying. This is just so perfect.
Thank you very much. I am so happy that I made you cry (if you see what I mean?) 'Perfect'. That's the best review I could get, isn't it?
Now you write more sexy fighting y/y?
p.s recognise my icon?
It's gorgeous and tragic and I adore it.
You writes such hot pron my mind mushes!
THANK YOU! It might be nice to write something *other* than smutty smut every now and then, though. But that's what comes to me, so I suppose I should just leave it be. :p
Now you write more sexy fighting y/y?
I'll see what I can do. ;)
p.s recognise my icon?
Is...is that TANNER? :FLAILS:
Does my icon look familiar? (Hint: follow the butterfiles...)
With Jed bottoming...because from what I understand, that's his preference.
(btw, I'm trying to procure some more of his stuff. There's even a solo. fdkfjaklja)
I'd love to see this extended, perhaps Ron finding/being sent the letter by a third party etc...
*off to daydream*
Feel free to continue this story yourself, though I'll see how my muse is in future weeks' duels!
Thanks, babe!
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