Title: Hounded Team: Team Ron Rating: PG13, snogging?, and implied future fornication Dra(w)bble:"Do you actually expect me to spend three miserable hours with your red-headed mongrel brood, Weasley?" Ron heard Draco's voice drift in from the front hall a minute before he strolled into the living room. Ron watched him walk closer, eyes focused on the complicated fastenings of his robes rather than his face. If he could get them open fast enough, he might be able to avoid the snit that was about to commence
( ... )
Yay! I'm so glad you came out to play. And with such a perfect piece of Ron and Draco, love their dynamic and of course you always, always write them so well. Loved it!
Funny you should ask. I'm in need of someone to check out what I have of chapter 13 to make sure that I haven't lost touch with the story after all this time.
I was almost in tears after ch. 12, when Draco and Justin have sex in Ron's old room and Draco's all "♥_♥" because the scent is so much stronger and he thinks Justin must be his mate.
And I'm like, "NONONO! You're smelling RON! RON IS YOUR TWOO LOVE!
Team: Team Ron
Rating: PG13, snogging?, and implied future fornication
Dra(w)bble:"Do you actually expect me to spend three miserable hours with your red-headed mongrel brood, Weasley?" Ron heard Draco's voice drift in from the front hall a minute before he strolled into the living room. Ron watched him walk closer, eyes focused on the complicated fastenings of his robes rather than his face. If he could get them open fast enough, he might be able to avoid the snit that was about to commence ( ... )
I love it. And one day, I'd like to read about the lovely sofa shag. =D
(BTW, how is Department coming? Have you posted anything new that might've missed?)
I was almost in tears after ch. 12, when Draco and Justin have sex in Ron's old room and Draco's all "♥_♥" because the scent is so much stronger and he thinks Justin must be his mate.
And I'm like, "NONONO! You're smelling RON! RON IS YOUR TWOO LOVE!
Stupid, lying Justin.
I KNOW. And part of me really wanted to like Justin, too. He's so enamoured with Draco and I understand why he's lying...but, but.
When Draco realizes that Justin is not his mate, it's going to hurt him to the bone. D:
I ♥ this story so much.
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