Mar 26, 2014 22:40

For: yumemirunosekai
From: mrs_koki

Title: Host Club Confessions
Pairings/Characters: Kame/Ueda
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: mentions of drinking alcohol and rough sex (hopefully)
Notes: To yumemirunosekai, I hope you like this...I tried to write this as per requested. I hope you like it. XD Special thanks to Amy and Cindy, who helped me to write this by encouraging me and helping me with the plot points as my muse ran away from me orz. Thanks’re the best!! Thanks to Amy for being my Beta on this fic.
Summary: Kazuya Kamenashi and Tatsuya Ueda were the top two hosts for the club Honey Bunny. Kazuya got tired of being just under Tatsuya in the ranking, only he’s after much more from the older man than just his title. In fact, he doesn’t really care much for the title of being number one... not really.

It is a typical night at the Honey Bunny club in Shinjuku, though it was rather busy. Kazuya is entertaining a customer when his nemesis and crush shows up for work ... finally. He watches as the man walks up to his newest client... a beautiful woman about Kame’s height with long hair and playful eyes. He watches as they go into the private V.I.P booth that is open and Ueda does what he does best...he flirts, drinks, and shows the woman a good time. He watches as Ueda’s arm circles her shoulders and rests there; she leans close into him and giggles at something he’s told her. He glares at the two as Tatsuya gently brushes the woman’s bangs from her eyes, so she can take another sip of her vodka tonic.

The client that Kazuya is supposed to be paying attention to calls for his attention by asking him something. Kame turns his eyes away from the unpleasant scene in front of him; he smiles apologetically and makes up some lame excuse. Thankfully, the woman he is entertaining is as dumb and oblivious as she is pretty. He goes back to his duties, and he gets tipped well for his services. He is taking his much needed break when Ueda walks over to the bar and sneers in Kame’s direction.

“I know what you’re trying to do, Kamenashi-san.” He sneers, his eyes dancing with amusement.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Kazuya sniffs, then takes a sip of his water.

Ueda gets what he came over for and starts walking away; he stops suddenly, turning to face the younger man, and taunts, “Just give it up already. I’m top dog around this club and all the clients know it. You’ll never best me.”

Kazuya glares as Ueda cackles at him and goes back to his table. Kazuya just watches, jealousy burning his insides like fire, envy crawling up his legs, winding around his torso and invading his
heart. It wraps itself around every nerve cell and fiber in Kame’s body, and his fist clenches.

“Bastard,” he mutters, as his short break ends and he watches as Ueda heads to the restroom. An idea forms in Kame’s brain as he walks over to the woman Ueda was entertaining. After a few well spoken, pretty words, Kame has successfully stolen another client from Tatsuya. His win is anchored when Ueda comes back and the woman says that she’d rather have Kazuya tonight. Ueda can do nothing but smile and bow; he glares quickly at Kame then leaves.

‘I’ll get your attention one way or another, Tatsuya...just wait and see,’ Kame thinks as he smiles and waves Ueda off. The rest of the night passes without much more interaction between the two. With that one female client stolen from Ueda that night, all to gain the older man’s attention, their unspoken contest continues for the few months or so. The bartender that works there keeps a running score for them both.

One night, Kazuya’s best friend drops by the Honey Bunny. Since Kazuya is off early, they sit around laughing and drinking. When Ueda sees this, his fist clenches. He is jealous...he doesn’t know who that guy is with Kazuya, nor the nature of their relationship. He wants to go over and say something, but he can’t as he’s working, so he sits there seething. The woman he is entertaining notices something is off with her host for the night and she inquires if he is sick or something. Ueda smiles and shakes his head ‘no’ and drops his gaze from the two at the bar.

The bartender has asked Kame to get him something from the store room, as it is another busy night and the guy couldn’t leave the bar unattended. Kame’s searching the storage room when he gets an unexpected visitor...Tatsuya. The older’s client left for the night since she had to be up early the next day.

“Who in the hell is he, Kamenashi?” Ueda asks, grabbing Kazuya’s arm and whipping him around. His back hits the brick wall behind them.

“Ueda wha...?!” Kame blinks, surprised by the sudden show of force.

“Never mind, I don’t want to know,” Ueda spits, and storms from the room, leaving a surprised Kame behind. It is his turn to be confused.

After ten minutes, Kame just shrugs off his colleague’s odd behavior, gets the liquor crate he was supposed to be getting and heads back up to the bar. He drops it off, and his friend sees the look in Kame’s eyes.

“Kazu? You okay, man?” he asks his friend.

“Yeah...I’m fine. Let’s get out of here,” Kame replies, still confused as he watches Ueda laughing with a group of women, serving them drinks and sushi, then leaves.

Ueda is still pissed and jealous, but now he can add confusion to the mix. He didn’t understand right away why he did what he did, he just felt compelled to. Having the next two nights off gives Ueda time to think and relax.

Three days later, it is a rather stormy night for summer and yet the host club is as packed as usual. Kame’s starting to wonder if the rainy weather made one feel even more lonely, cause it
certainly made him feel that way. He longs for someone to share the rainy nights with and to snuggle under a blanket with someone special during the cold winter nights. He wants that person to be Tatsuya, but instead of just confessing out right...he has to play this stupid game and put up with older man’s taunting. He hates it. He sighs when he finds out that Ueda has surpassed his score again.

“Why don’t you just give up already, Kamenashi? You’re never going to win.” Ueda laughs.

“Because....I can’t,” Kame replies softly. Tatsuya’s attitude hurts, and he’s tired of hiding behind a snarky front.

“What a lame response. You can do better than that! Where’s the snarky, defiant Kamenashi from a few months ago? Finally realized your position, huh?” Tatsuya gloats, as his eyes dance with amusement.

Kazuya’s fist clenches. He turns to face Ueda and shouts, “You don’t have to be such a jerk! You want to know why I’m doing this?! It’s because...I fucking love you!!” He then storms out from the building, breathing hard and tears welling up in his eyes. Luckily Kame doesn’t live far from his work place.

“You…he...” is all Ueda can mutter as he just stands there dumbfounded. Something in his brain clicks, and he runs after the younger man, shouting his name.

He catches up to Kazuya right outside the door to Kame’s apartment building. His fingers manage to close around Kame’s arm, and he yanks the younger back against him, turning him to face him.

“Ueda...” Kame starts, but the rest of his question is cut off by Ueda’s lips, and his eyes widen in surprise at the rough kissing. He responds eagerly as the rain beats down around them.

After another few minutes, they part; both are panting. They just stand there looking at each other, and Ueda is the first one to break the silence. His fingertips lightly brush Kame’s face.

“I love you too… I’m sorry. I was a jerk, and I’m sorry.” Ueda says softly, but he means it.

“Tatsuya... want to come up and out of the rain?” Kame sniffs, in slight shock that his feelings are being returned. He still has tear stains on his cheeks that have mixed with the rain. He gestures to the building behind him.

Ueda nods and follows Kame inside and up to his apartment. It isn’t anything fancy: sparse furnishings and very simple in decor. After kicking off their wet shoes and locking the door, Ueda smiles and closes the gap between them, kissing Kame more gently this time.

“I’m not a virgin, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Kame whispers into Ueda’s mouth as he starts removing his wet clothes, and Ueda helps Kame out of his.

Ueda grins and guides a now naked Kame backwards to the younger’s bedroom, kissing him and teasing his nipples roughly. Kame moans as he allows himself to be pushed down on his bed, and he is hard by now. He’ll worry about the wet sheets later, he thinks, as Ueda’s weight comes down on top of him. Ueda’s tongue slowly glides down Kame’s neck to his chest, where he nips at the younger’s nipple, sending jolts of small sharp pains shooting through Kame’s body. He moans loudly and arches into Ueda’s chest. He rubs their hard-ons together, moaning Kame’s name as he licks lower.

“More...” Kame moans, tugging on the older man’s hair, and dropping a lube packet next to him.

Ueda grins and grabs the packet, ripping it open. He puts the lube on his fingers and starts prepping the younger’s hole for what’s about to happen to him, and he licks up Kame’s member to whisper, “How do you want it?”

“H-hard...and fas-fast…oh god!” Kame breathes out as Tatsuya adds two more fingers at the same time.

Feeling that that’s enough prepping, Ueda thrusts into Kame swiftly, causing Kame to cry out but gives him time to adjust. Kame does and begs “M-move…please...”

Ueda then starts thrusting hard, rough and fast, making the head board bounce off the wall periodically. Kame moans and moves with him, sweat dripping from their bodies and onto the already wet sheets. Kame’s hands press on Ueda’s ass, pushing him deeper. Ueda captures Kame’s lips in a hot searing kiss, while roughly teasing the younger’s still hard nipples with his fingers.

Ueda pushes himself up onto his hands, shifting angles, and keeps pounding at the pace and with roughness that Kame’s body is yearning for. There will be time for gentleness later. Kame’s a moaning and panting mess underneath a grinning Ueda, who only moans Kame’s name from time to time. Ueda doesn’t even have to touch Kame’s neglected hard-on, as Kame comes hard and fast between them, unaided.

“Fuck...Ueda...” Kame groans in pleasure as Ueda comes a minute later, shooting his seed inside Kame’s ass.

“Kazuya...damn!” Ueda moans as he pulls out, collapsing on the bed next to him. He allows Kame to cuddle up to him after the sex is over.

Kame smiles contentedly and says “You’re right... I wouldn’t have beaten you at work. But as long as I’m number one in your private life, I don’t really care.”

“And you will always be that, Kazu. But who was that guy I saw you with the other night?”

“Oh him... he’s just my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were kids, but you don’t need to worry about him. I want only you.”

Ueda smiles and kisses the top of Kazuya’s sweat drenched head... and then his stomach growls. He hasn’t had dinner yet. Kame laughs at the sudden noise; he gets out of the bed and smiles.

“Come on... I’ll make us something to eat,” Kame says, and walks out of the room.

Ueda smiles and chuckles as he follows the younger man into his kitchen and watches him cook. A ridiculously happy grin is pasted on the older’s face… he is so happy.

rated: nc-17, year: 2014, ! fic, p: kame/ueda

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