Dec 28, 2013 17:55

Dear Hyphens,

As the sign-ups opened, we found out there is a need for more thorough rules explanations this year.

We ask all participants who have signed-up or are thinking about it to read this entry to make sure their sign-up complies with the rules of Fic The Faith. The sign-ups that do not comply with these rules (as clarified bellow) will not be accepted.

Fic The Faith is a KAT-TUN fic exchange. Fanfics should focus on KAT-TUN and its members (current or former ones). Other J&A idols (or anyone else) may appear as background characters (in accordance with the recipient's wishes), but the central focus should be on KAT-TUN.

We can’t stress this rule enough. All the pairings in Characters/Pairings/Moresomes you are willing to write (provide options): and Characters/Pairings/Moresomes you'd like to receive (provide options): sections of the sign-up MUST CONTAIN KAT-TUN MEMBERS ONLY. Jin and Koki are considered KAT-TUN members for this purpose.

Pairings such as Ryo/Ueda, Shige/Ueda, Yamapi/Jin, Kame/Yamapi and so on ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE LISTED IN THESE CATEGORIES. THEY DO NOT BELONG IN THIS EXCHANGE as main focus of the fics.

We also ask you to provide enough options. It is not enough to list only one paring or two pairings complying with this rule. Include at least three intra-group KAT-TUN pairings in both of the sections mentioned above.

Example of a good sign up:
Characters/Pairings/Moresomes you are willing to write (provide options):
Kame/Ueda, Nakamaru/Kame, Kame/Junno
Characters/Pairings/Moresomes you'd like to receive (provide options):
All combinations of Ueda and KT-TUN and gen fic.

Example of a sign-up that will not be accepted:
Characters/Pairings/Moresomes you are willing to write (provide options):
I will only write Kame/Ueda or gen
Characters/Pairings/Moresomes you'd like to receive (provide options):
Kame/Ueda, Ryo/Ueda or gen

Situations/kinks/genres that you want to write/receive: section of your sign up is where everything else should go. You can definitely tell your recipient you like inter-group interaction, you can list the groups you are familiar with, or dramas you liked. We advise you to also list situations or kinks or prompts you like in this section, because this helps your author to tailor the fic for you better.

However, we do not expect from all our participants to have watched all the dramas or to know enough about other groups. This is a KAT-TUN focused exchange. This is why we ask you to include only KAT-TUN members in the characters/pairing section of your sign-up and to give us enough options. Without these options, it is very hard to assign the authors and even harder for the author to enjoy writing for you, if they are given no leeway. Also please be aware that by simply listing "gen" fic, you are telling us that you are willing to write or receive any gen fic at all. If you want it to be focused on certain member, or exclude others, consider specifying so.

Mods will be sending out e-mails to those signed-up participants who are in danger of being excluded. Please check the e-mail inbox for the address that you have provided (check your spam folder too). If your sign-up does not adhere to the rules by the deadline (January 1, 2014), you will be excluded from the exchange.

To fix your sign-up, you can exceptionally edit the original comment. If it is not possible (because mods or you have commented in reply to it), please delete the original sign-up and create a new one.

We hope this has clarified a thing or two. If you still have questions, please comment to this entry.

year: 2014, ! mod post

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