Mar 22, 2012 10:25

For: yararanger
From: sashjun

Title: Doctor U
Pairings/Characters: KAT-TUN gen (with focus on Ueda and Koki)
Rating: PG-13 for some things blowing up
Warnings: This is a Doctor Who AU, so it uses a little of its jargon and patterns.
Notes: Set in present-day Japan, where JE as we know it exists, with the exception of KAT-TUN. I'm not half as awesome as the Doctor ( Read more... )

year: 2012, p: gen, rated: pg-13

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yararanger March 24 2012, 22:03:27 UTC
ugh FINALLY holy crap I am so sorry it took me way longer than anticipated, I need my own TARDIS to deal with real life x_X Okay this comment is um sort of... I had a thing open while I was reading and quoted bits and commented as I read so hopefully things make sense... XD;

Even after several years of traveling together, Koki still feels like Ueda has no clue about what he’s doing.

sounds about right *snerk* XD

“It’s not a trap?” Ueda asks.

“No, it’s not. You have my word,” Johnny assures him.

THAT'S not suspect at all :|

“Well, definitely more than forty eight,” Johnny says desperately. “Isn’t that alone suspicious? It’s like they breed them somewhere deep in Akihabara,” he goes on while Ueda points a sonic screwdriver at the magazine in Koki’s hand.

LOL I like this concept *splutters* XD

“One picture is worth a thousand words,” Ueda murmurs, and heads out of the office.

rhsgjhsfdjkghgskjfh totally Doctor Who-ish XD

No stockings though, he notes. Definitely no stockings or leggings on this stage.

loooooooool yes Tacchan, no objectionable leg coverings here XD;;


omg focussing on the ice cream YES DOCTOR U YOU WOULD KNOW THE IMPORTANT THINGS *sparkles* XDDDDDD this is great algkjdsg

“To eat some octopus,” Koki and Kame say almost at the same time.

Y'know, I am surprisingly not at all averse to this Kame/Koki/Ueda thing XD;;

ooooooooooooooh people being brainwashed by the AKB girls *_____*


He closes his eyes, tries to focus. “Please,” he’s saying as his mind become blurry, the need to serve, to please them, pushing everything else away. “Juri, I will protect you.”

TT___________________________TT AHHH MY FEELINGS

now it’s clear why Koki’s ended up being tied up to a chair and a main prize in some bizarre competition. The funny thing is, if he was conscious and in his right mind, he’d probably like it a lot.

…fskjdkfjgd lmao he would XD;;

despite looking like he has no clue how the game’s supposed to go.

I can picture this so well, lol. XD; and YAY for Tacchan crossdressing XD;;

“I can do anything,” Ueda muses.

“Like see fairies,” Kame giggles.

“Or punch your lights out,” Ueda continues

\fskskjfsfjkg they're so cute XD

ahhhhhhhhh drunk and omg they're so cute, I like this bit of backstory X3

HAHAHAHAHA and now with a hangover~

… this whole confrontation scene is KILLING ME OH MY GOD Sembatsu formation SOBS and 'Which idol has split ends?' KAME YOU ARE LEGENDARY

T__T oh, poor Vixens, in the Void ;_; “You really can’t dance,” Koki laughs. “I’m sure you’d still have some fangirls,” he adds reassuringly.

I legit cracked up XD The truth is out there u_u

;~; *WIBBLE* ahhh my heart ;o; They're so precious fksjghdfkjghdfjhg Koki, youuuuuu *squishes them*



The sound of Tardis leaving fits nicely into the song arrangements. Maybe the next song could be space themed. Anything to have an excuse to auto tune Junno, really.

*SNORT* omg what a brilliant line to end on XD lmao ahh this fic was so much fun, I seriously love Doctor Who so much and this whole crossover idea was just A+ fantastic, THANK YOU SO MUCH XD; I was genuinely entertained, honestly thank you thank you thank you! \XD/


sashjun April 1 2012, 17:05:53 UTC
Ah, again, I'm glad you had fun reading this, since it was the main aim. Thank you for a fantastic comment because vdjk dv I was so anxious not to mess up with the intricate thing that is Doctor Who and with Kat-tun and I was wondering if this was okay. SO SO just yes for liking things and for being open to Kame inclusion and everything.



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