Mar 26, 2011 17:32

For: je_levy
From: holly_berri

Title: Those Invisible Lines
Pairings/Characters: Koki/Ueda
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Kidnapping, mentally unbalanced Ueda, some dub-con, manipulation and general mind fuckery, Stockholm Syndrome
Notes: Levy! :D This was so much fun to write, you have no idea. Sorry for any vagueness or nonsensical plot - I hope you like it! >.< ( Read more... )

year: 2011, rated: nc-17, p: koki/ueda

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Post-Flail je_levy March 26 2011, 18:18:13 UTC
&$%@##!! OH MY EFFING GAWD!!!

So I went to read and the whole time I was reading I kept glancing at the side-scroll-bar thingy and frowning because omg, I didn’t want this to end~ I’m so curious about Ueda in this universe and I thought I wasn’t even detailed enough in my sign up comment, but you touched on so many things relevant to my interests….;A; ide. So I finished and then went back to re-read because this. Was. Exquisite!

First of all, anon. I want to say that I ADORE fic like this and so glad you chose this particular style. It’s so fluid, surreal, and flows like stream-of-consciousness. And your writing is so-wow- I’m INDULGING in this prose, seriously.


From the first paragraph in, you made such an incredible use of colour and implicating features that had me immediately rapt.

his bitten and sore looking lower lip firmly caught between his teeth and widening eyes glinting blue black under the lights. This right here spoke mountains to me. Using blue black to describe his eyes brought to mind bruises and injury and old hurt and I was flailing already!!

Now initially when I read that his lips were bitten and sore, I didn’t think anything of it, but you mention it again here. Soft, chapped lips press against his mouth for a brief moment and then here big and full and looking like someone continuously bit and abused them with sharply edged teeth. And then I was awed and pleased because Ueda’s character here is so dynamic when I think about it. We don’t exactly know why he’s keeping Koki or what lead him to want to, but even though this is from Koki’s perspective, I felt like Ueda’s character and point of view was screaming at me. I wonder how you did that. XDDDD *flail*

ramen and peanut butter, damn if he was ever going near anything that Taguchi cooked for him ever again Oh hello <333333

And then I realised he was on a bed and tied up! And then this whole paragraph!

The sound echoes shrilly around the room, bouncing off the invisible walls and the shadowed window panes. It dies down quickly, leaving an empty silence that has his heart racing faster than ever and another terror stricken cry ripping its’ way out of his chest just to fill the cruel, lightless silence. He’s thrashing by now, dull ropes searing red, bruising marks that Koki won’t ever be able to see into his pale wrists. He’s on top of a bed with the thickness of the comforter lying uncomfortably under him, and it bunches up near his hips and tangles itself in his legs as he struggles. In the dark, it feels like hands crawling up his skin and twining themselves around him; their soft, damp palms rubbing and brushing over his jeans and sockless feet. Koki shudders, his voice breaking and giving out to a panting, dry throated agony of quiet.

First of all the reveal of the waking nightmare he’s experiencing being represented by the fear of hands in the dark touching him actually made me all shivery and 0o0. To be quite honest, I was pretty much 0o0 for most of this fic. Just sitting here, hands over my mouth and inches from the screen basically. And when his kidnapper comes in I literally let out a little squeal because he calls him “pet” and I’m like, “OH NO~”


Re: Post-Flail je_levy March 26 2011, 18:19:25 UTC
His voice is smooth and sweet, like caramelized candy Ohhhh~ so gorgeous~!

The voice murmurs against his lips before pulling away This is beautiful, and ok, I do acknowledge that saying that Koki being tied to a bed with chafed wrists, no voice, blind-folded alone in the dark is beautiful, awe-inspiring, and enrapturing may come across as morbid and so very very wrong, but there’s just something about suffering Koki that tugs at my heart and makes me feel that I can’t get enough of it.

Koki stills, shuddering at the way he pronounces his name - velvet covered and careful, like it was his and his alone Oh goodness, instant love. Wow.

“Careful, puppy. Don’t hurt yourself. I do shriek on occasion. And yes, this was one of those occasions.

And can I just applaud you for the way you played out the Stockholm syndrome and the clearly calculating way that Ueda feeds it to him slowly adjusting him to the way he wants Koki without orders, or deliberate stances. He literally denies Koki any kindness and then slowly and surely kills him with it. Magnificent!!

Lol, like I knew it was Ueda, but I was still on the edge of my seat for it, waiting to see what the reveal would be like, how Koki would react and of course Ueda is beautiful and strange, and relatively harmless-looking, but then the warning of his iron like grip on his chin. *squee*

Omg, his mood swings are startling! I’m definitely experiencing some morbid glee here.

Koki wishes that Ueda would come back. Wishes that he would come and hold him again with his soft hands and bright light and even his terrifying kisses - anything, as long as he made this darkness go away. He doesn’t know how long he can deal with this alone anymore.

And this is the moment where you know everything is changed and there’s no going back out there. DDDDX *p.s. I love you*

All right at the risk of over-flailing you and freaking you out. I will try to summarise my reaction to the entire shower scene:

OMFG! The way that the water was scorching hot and Koki’s fear and Ueda’s “Finally.” And then Ueda does something so much more intimate and washes him. And now Koki’s caught in this existence and already believing that he’s being rewarded for something and then Ueda says, “You’re cute” and I nearly buried my face in my hands in tearless sobs because I can see Ueda winning him over already.

nails biting bruises into his hipbones as he hisses filthy, filthy things into Koki’s ear. No words, but * ___________ *

And then somehow Koki begins to adopt these puppy-like habits and he waits and the window and watches his master disappear but its not because he wants to go out, but omg, this paragraph, They said that there are a lot of things that a person never really forgets how to do - riding a bike, driving, laughing. But sometimes Koki wonders. He seemed to have a penchant for forgetting things… already, he can barely remember what his life had been like before coming here. He also has no desire to remember, and for some reason that had stopped bothering him.

I Am. In. Looooove with the way you said this. He is already forgetful and not once, not once since coming here did he think of his past life and it means he’s already weak to things like this, already willing to drop everything and just be someone else’s thing. *sobs weakly* This is so amazing and wonderful. Oh, anon, I don’t deserve this. DDDX

Thank you so so much for this. I’ve read it over and over since it was posted and I intend to keep re-reading. I am always honoured to receive fic or to know that someone wrote something with me in mind so that alone was making me all sobby and self-hugging to hold in ~feelings~ and such, BUT THIS.



Re: Post-Flail holly_berri April 2 2011, 20:04:43 UTC

Haha you can't even imagine how ridiculuously happy your flail makes me - I was freaking out inside over giving you something this idek, creeper-like, but I'm so relieved/gleeful that you liked it <3333 And left such an amazing, amazing comment that I can't even. I sat here grinning like a complete moron while reading it :3

Writing this for you was the most fun I've had in ages :D I was kind of going 'Wtf, she wants Koki/Ueda ._.' for a while because I just, that's one pairing I'd never think you'd have asked for lol and I've never written it and just akjdala. Haha there was a lot of panicky flail involved in this but then...I don't know, Ueda took over and start plotting dark fic. :D

Thanks so much for such a bamf prompt and all the gorgeous love!!


Re: Post-Flail je_levy April 2 2011, 21:05:59 UTC
BUT YOU, srsly.

You can't imagine how this fic brain-fucked me. It was just the right element of creeper-like and so fluid, I couldn't help but sparkle all over it.

lol I did feel a little twinge of pity for anyone who got me since I requested a rare-pair out of nowhere and I hadn't even written it myself, but you took the prompt and went with it and it's AMAZING and thank you, thank you for allowing dark!Ueda to take over and augh~ *gurgles* you're the best, really.

I feel like I want to give you something back for making my month with this awesome. If there's ever a fic you want written or ANY prompt you wish for, I offer up my meager abilities to your whim!


Re: Post-Flail holly_berri April 2 2011, 21:35:08 UTC
YOUR SPARKLES, I appreciate greatly and roll around in. :D

haha but this was such a fun rare pair, especially since people hardly ever write them- I can take tons of liberities with their characters, and no one will ever know lol. XD

oh god, you have no idea what you're asking. :3 haha since I'm kind of a sucker for your beautiful fics, I am so taking you up on that. ...Write me Jin + Twitter fic, pretty pretty please? ♥


Re: Post-Flail je_levy April 2 2011, 23:55:21 UTC
LOL! I like this prompt a whole lot! It seems to promise great amounts of hilarity and a crack analysis of Jin's tweets. Fun~

I have two other fics in the works for other people, but I promise as soon as those are done, you'll get yours. XDDD


Re: Post-Flail holly_berri April 3 2011, 00:21:38 UTC
OMG! haha officially excited for this now~ :D and lol take your time, I'm in no hurry. :3


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