Mar 26, 2011 17:21

For: imifumei
From: myxstorie

Title: The Blue Dragon
Pairings/Characters: Ueda/Junno
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: imifumei, I really hope this is to your tastes, because I certainly enjoyed writing it!
Summary: Late one night, a stranger turns up at Ueda's gym.

The Blue Dragon )

year: 2011, p: junno/ueda, rated: g

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imifumei March 27 2011, 05:56:51 UTC
Okay, where to start?

Well first off, I loved the set-up for this, the whole "Ueda isn't expecting anyone but Koki" thing is a tried-and-true rom-com meet-cute (how many hyphenated words do you think I can spout off in one go? ^^) and I really liked seeing it employed here.

I really enjoyed the way you wrote Junno because one of my favorite things about him is that he seems so carefree with his interpersonal relationships, and you got that in right off the bat with the familiarity issue.

I loved that it seemed like you actually know something about boxing because you used the jargon; and not in a "Look, I did some research and can totally use the jargon now" way, which would have been cumbersome, but in a way that flowed with the narrative. I was impressed. (Not that you need me to be or anything, but- well, it was written for me so I don't suppose knowing that I was impressed is a bad thing, y/y?)

I liked that you included a plausible backstory for Junno within the confines of the universe. It's not that I wouldn't have been able to believe him as being into boxing flat out, but the 'sort of came to boxing by accident' angle played well for me. I'll admit I was kind of O_o ehh?? when Yara turned up because I really don't know much about him and wasn't expecting to see him in this exchange, but I think the way you included him made him a good foil for the personalities of the other three main characters and I liked how they all seemed to fit together in a way I don't usually see in fic.

I adored Koki's easy confidence in Ueda and I could easily picture Ueda's grin at hearing himself talked up, that whole scene was totally charming.

I was thrilled at the Taipi cameo. I just. . . I never don't love him being all froofy anf yet somehow still all boy. That was great.

The Junno-puns were darling, but my favorite line (I think, although I forget things sometimes >.<) was in this bit:
"You thought I wouldn't come?"
"I told you not to come!"
"So?" Junno questioned, "I thought you were just playing it cool, y'know, like when the guy says to the girl, 'Oh, my party's gonna suck, so it's totally fine if you don't want to come.'"

I loved that exchange. It was completely believably them. ♥

And then at the end, when Ueda was in bed and they were all cute and smooshy and not-exactly-confessing, Oh, man. That was just adorable. Totally and 100%. I just wanted to smoosh their faces together (in a good way). It was so precious.

Thank you so much! ♥


imifumei April 2 2011, 17:29:42 UTC
waaaahhhhhh! myxstorie!! I new it was you! Thank you again. I loved this a lot.


myxstorie April 2 2011, 17:31:22 UTC
:DDDD I'm so glad you liked it!! Thank you so much for your amazing comment ;A; ♥


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