Dauntperplexity - How Life is a Waving Feather

Jan 31, 2011 20:27

Fandom: Supernatural
Author: dauntperplexity
Title: How Life is a Waving Feather
Characters and/or Pairing: Bobby, Dean, Castiel
Rating: PG 13
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Gen, can be seen as pre-slash
Word Count: 5920
Author warnings: Blood
Authors summary: Dean took a few more steps forward before he found himself frozen in place. A familiar scent assaulted his nostrils. “Are you bleeding?”


How Life is a Waving Feather apparently came about while the author was listening to a song on repeat and that may be a reason why this story seems somewhat hastily written. It's a classic h/c scenario where Castiel appears in Dean's motel room with bloody wounds on his body, unable to heal himself. While the premise of the story, Castiel being seriously, in this case even mortally, wounded and coming to Dean as he feels he has nowhere else to go, is good, Dean's actions does leave something to be desired. After Castiel informs him he is going to die and there is nothing Dean can do about it, the first thing that pops into Dean's head is to fill the bathtub with water and put Castiel in there. I am fairly sure that is not the proper way to treat a very bloody stabwound. There are also a few other bits that seem weird or are not really explained in the fic. We are never really given an explanation for what happened to Castiel, who also seem strangely reluctant to talk about it, and it would have been nice if the author had acknowledged Sam in some way with a line or two about his whereabouts as he does not show up in the fic.

The characters also seem slightly ooc sometimes, especially Dean who seems unreasonably angry at Cas in the beginning of the story. The story could have used a beta reader as there are some grammatical errors, sometimes glaring enough to throw you out of the story and go ”huh...wut?” While most of the story is written in Dean's pov, it sometimes inexplicaply shifts to Castiel for a few lines, which again could be sorted out by having a good beta look it over. The language is fine, although a bit dull at times with a few repetitions.

All in all the story seems somewhat unfinished and could have used a good beta.


Ratings post

genre: h/c, word count: 5000-10000, gen, genre: angst, rating: pg13, 3 slashes, spn, authors: d

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