Title: Mayday
Fandom: Thunderbirds
Rating: All
Disclaimer: I don't own them; ITC/Grenada does at the moment. I'm just writing about them.
Notes: Thanks to
lillehafrue for feedback and title.
Prompt: Prompt #37, critical malfunction
Critical malfunction.
The words run through my head as I don my space suit. I've no idea what system failed, but it pays to be prepared. Diagnostic telemetry streams down to Brains, hoping to find a solution.
Father returns to the commlink. "Son, we're preparing Three right now. A few minutes more to find the problem, then they're on their way."
I slide my helmet on, locking it into place. "Can you hear me, Dad?"
"Strength five, son."
"Dad, if I don't get out of this- "
"Don't think that way. Don't ever give up."
I smile. Everything goes dark.