Sep 04, 2023 20:48
I may ramble a bit. I know I'm probably mixing some fics together. It has been years since I read it.
I believe it was a Spike/Xander fic with Angel/Lindsey Mcdonald pairing as well. I remember Lindsey being Angel's childe. Spike is in L.A. with Angel. Willow went bad and killed Anya due to her dark magic addiction.
Xander killed Willow and himself with retractable stake/knife through the heart. Something about the heart blood from a witch's loveone needed to kill a witch. Xander came back as a vampire. Killed watchers(?) and took Dawn away from Sunnydale to protect her. He got her somewhere safe and went to Angel.
It turned out that the hyena kept Xander's soul in charge. Xander was of Dracula's line because Xander took a chunk out of Dracula.
I think I remember more of it. But it's a jumbled up mess of all the other fics I've read over the years. I've tried googling bits and pieces but there was no luck.
Here I am hoping that someone may also remember this fic! Thanks