Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa - in my defence, it's been a bank holiday weekend over here, so all the usual cues that it was, in fact, Monday were missing. And I am a dork. And I'm sorry!
Still without fic :
from the vaults :
Clay Aiken/Female3)
Chris/Kanye West5)
Justin / Lance6)
Chris / ?? or Joey / Lance7)
Kevin / Brian8)
Nick / Ewan McGregor and new, but not yet filled requests :
AJ / Brian / Nick2)
Chris / ???3)
AJ / Brian4)
AJ / Lance5)
JC / Lance New ficlets this week : [lots of new ficlets this week! You all rock!]
Chris / Joey for
ephemera_pop - two ficlets, one by
grapekitten and one by
AJ / Brian for
_crumbledstar by
_bubbleforest 3)
Chris / Lance for
ephemera_pop by
Justin / Lance for
funnypandachick by
Justin / Lance for
sparklingjadex by
ephemera_pop 6)
AJ / Nick for
etsu_88 by
_bubbleforest 7)
AJ / Brian for
angelmask by
etsu_88 8)
Brian / Howie for
_bubbleforest by
Lance / JC for
joshysleo by
etsu_88 [if you write a ficlet, especially if it's an old request, or the second story for a request, please can you drop a comment to this post to let the mods know, so we can give you your props this time next week? Danke!]