
Mar 09, 2009 00:35

First, New Fic

Justin/Nick by pensnest for musicboxgirl

I'm going to do a different kind of recap, just this once, in the hope that you'll spot something you think you'd like to write.

Unfilled requests, with details

01. Justin/Kevin
Hi. I would like to request a fic. Where Justin is a dork. :D

Okay. This is random, just popped into my head. I hope someone wants to write some Backstreet GSF!
Serious sexual tension on stage at a show, in reference to dance choreography. Tension hightens backstage afterwards, leading into... Well, you know.
But if that doesn't tickle your fancy, any ol' GSF will do just fine! ;)

03. JC/ ??
JC/ ANyone in Nsync
This idea was completely inspired by my English teacher who is JC Chasez.
I think JC being clueless is adorable and I think that having a fic where he isn't understanding certain slang would be fun. The word baller specifically but if guys think of some other good ones just go with it!
Clueless JC is fun :D so have fun!

04. Robbie/ ??
I am maybe a tad bit excited about going to see Robbie this coming week. A little bit. Just a smidge. :D And also confussed as to why there isn't more Robbie slash out there.
Robbie / JC?
Robbie / AJ?
Robbie / AJ / JC
you know it makes sense ....

05. Aaron/Jesse McCartney
I'm going to be busy so I thought I'd request this before I forget and never get around to it... Since I going to request this two weeks ago...
Aaron/Jesse McCartney
Aaron Carter is the bad boy of music and Jesse McCartney is... the good boy?

06. Lance, JC, Kevin and Howie
I put you to the test ljers! I have checked the list and no one has posted any Kevin/Howie stories. And it's Kevin month. Now as hot as that pairing is (whoo!) I must mix my boys in there somewhere and hit my four favorite underdog crossover pairings at once.
Any combination that includes: Lance, JC, Kevin and Howie. Couples, polyamorous, adventurous, what have you.
The situation? Drunk (or slightly drunk) at an industry Halloween party - what happens next is up to you. My only request? No crossdressing, please. Not one of my kinks. Rating? Up to you.

07. Kevin/Nick
I'd love a fic about Kevin trying to prove Nick isn't ready for sex. Can Nick prove he can take anything Kevin throws at him?

08. Lance/ ??
It's nearly Valentine's Day, and Lance is single... can I have a fic in which he gets an anonymous Valentine and has to track down the person who sent it? I'll leave the pairing up to you, but something that's mostly light and fluffy would be much appreciated.

09. Lance/JC
Can I have some h/c fic dealing with the aftermath of Lance's recent break-up with Reichen please!

10. Aaron/Jesse
So spring break is coming? No one tells me anything. lol. That's what happens when you have to work, you don't get spring break off. So sad.
I'd love a spring break fic about Aaron Carter and Jesse McCartney. Please, let them have the fun I'm not going to have this spring break. Music, dancing and anything else that can happen there. *wink* Thank you.

11. Justin/JC
I would like to request a story based around JC's new single, "You Ruined Me". Here is a link to the song on youtube if you're not familiar with it: I would like a happy ending if possible. Smut would also be an added bonus.

12. any or all
Songfic moment! Something based, however loosely, on Sreamanger, please :
With a face like this I won't break any hearts
And thinking like that I won't make any friends
Screw that, forget about that
I don't wanna think about anything like that
Screw that, forget about that
I don't wanna know about anything like that
I've got nothing to do but hang around and get screwed up on you
I've got nothing to do but hang around and get screwed up on you
Your beauty makes me feel alone
I look inside but no ones home
Screw that, forget about that
I don't wanna think about anything like that
Screw that, forget about that
I don't wanna know about anything like that
I've got nothing to do but hang around and get screwed up on you
I've got nothing to do but hang around and get screwed up on you

13. JC/Dane Cook
I'd like to read some JC/Dane Cook. Dosen't really matter what type of story it is. Can be sexy, funny, sweet, whatever your little creative writing mind wants to write!

14. Lance/Alan Cumming
Woof. There's this picture, see, and I'd really like a smut-filled story about what these two did during and/or after the LifeBall. Please!
Picture is here. It is very large.

15. JC/Justin
I was thinking of something to do with a rennesaince festival. The guys go there to look around and stuff and by cool outfits. Chris and swords. JC and tights. Justin in thigh high boots? Am I the only one who can see this?
No pairing is really necessary. JC or Justin centric though would be cool-- I'm not even going to tie it down to that though.

16. Justin/Lance
Yeah well, we made all the hot spots, my money flowed like wine

And then that low-down Southern whiskey began to fog my mind

And I don't remember church bells, or the money I put down

On the white picket-fence and boardwalk of the house at the edge of town

Oh, but boy do I remember the strain of her refrain

And the nights we spent together, and the way she called my name...

"If you'll be my Dixie chicken, I'll be your Tennessee lamb,

And we can walk together down in Dixieland, down in Dixieland..."

Justin/Lance please, with Jack Daniels, a pecan tree, and the New Orleans Saints. Any which way you wanna take that song, as literal or figurative as you like. Something slow, flirty and Southern.

17. JC/Justin or het
JC. Birthday related,'s his birthday. And smut. Hot and bothery, please.

18. Joey/???
From the tour diary of a friend of mine: Had a laugh after the show dancing in the street with Joey, a couple of hardcore lesbians and a hobo.
This is me, failing to resist.
Someone can spin a ficlet out of that gem, can't they?

19. JC/?
I want JC to be aligned with someone now. Now!!! Ahem. You've seen the quote, yes?
So here's the thing: It's all about the girl. Not even that, and you may hate me for saying this, but it really depends on the shape of the girl. When it comes down to it, your shit has to align.
Just let's assume that he was only saying 'girl' to be polite, and please, align the gent of your choice in the perfect position for JC. Smut, if you were wondering, is mandatory!

20. Justin/JC
I'd like some very!sick!or!injured!Justin and comforting!JC, please.

21. Justin/JC
What Justin had to do to get JC to work with his label?
Doesn't have to be sexual. Be creative.

22. JC/Justin
I'd like a JuC fic featuring lyrics from Britney Spear's song, "Ooh Ooh Baby." If you haven't heard it, here's a link for the lyrics:
I was thinking of a club scene with maybe some hot sweaty sex in a restroom stall.....or a smutty stripper AU.  
I'll leave it up to the writter to decide which one. ;)

23. JC/any
So I requested a drawing in my journal the other day(not really expecting a serious answer) but now I would like a fic! :p Almost same prompt:
JC (with a pornstache)/anyone
Prompt: Facial hair.

24. JC/Justin, Chace Crawford
So there has been a lot of press lately surrounding the fact that chace crawford and jc have been hanging out a lot. the press is speculating that jc and chace are an "item". well i'm guessing that justin has gotten wind of this fact which prompts him to get jealous! and show jc who he really belongs to. jc and justin can already be in relationship together or this jealousy! can be what prompts justin to get in gear and tell jc how he feels. thank you kindly in advance.

25. Chris / JC
The TrickC children encourage/ support  an *N SYNC reunion. I read this quote from Dante Knight---son of NKOTBer Jordan Knight and thought it might be a cute idea.  Maybe  Joey's Brihana is involved somehow in the scheme of things.

26. Chris / Joey
"It was a lie when they smiled and said you won't feel a thing" - Choey, inspired by that line, please.

27. Justin/Andy Samberg (Dick in a Box)
I've been watching 'Dick in a Box' n youtube for the past ten minutes and it made me there any Justin/Andy Samberg slash written? Or could someone write one?

28. AJ/JC
I was wondering if anybody out there in computerland would be willing to write a story about AJ and JC coming to collaborate not only on AJ's solo but the group album as well. Kinda like discovering a relationship while writing songs.

29. Lance /??
You're not the prettiest girl in town
I'm not the only boy with sullied clothes and a sullen frown
So to hell with Valentines, to hell with perfume
To hell with chocolates and picnics and Sinatra tunes
Cause while the rest of the girls
Are drowning in roses
And songs he composes
And while the rest of the guys are all trying
All trying so hard
Oh girl, let's crash the party
El Dorado on the lawn, hey hey hey
Let's burn holes in the carpet
Kicking, shouting, dancing on the tables
All night long
I'm not so good with subtlety
You wouldn't say that I'm the picture of urbanity
Never put much stock in suavity or courtesy
Or chivalry or gallantry
Or all that useless jewelry
But while the rest of the girls
Still sigh for the night he
Was smiling politely
And while the rest of the guys are all trying
All trying so hard
Oh girl, let's crash the party
El Dorado on the lawn, hey hey hey
Let's burn holes in the carpet
Kicking, shouting, dancing on the tables
All night long
I would like a fic based on this song... Lance with one of the other boys. Definitely slashy, porn's up to you, but I'd like it to be a fun tone akin to the song itself. Thanks bunches in advance!

30. Justin / Gabe Saporta
This is the ridiculously tall and flexible (and lovely) Gabe Saporta.. This is Gabe wearing his Justin Timberlake icon. Someone wants to write me Justin/Gabe porn, right?

Hey ya'll.  I've been massively out of touch for the last two weeks and am just now getting back up to speed on live journal.  The reason I am telling you this is because I feel guilty posting a fic request before I leave feeback to others and thank yous to people who have left feedback for me.  Anyway, here's what I'm hoping ya'll can help me with.  A massive sex scene which includes all the boys where Kevin is the fuck master of the universe and the other four live only for his pleasure.  I would prefer it not be AU, but if that's what it is, then that's what it is.  Thanks so much to anyone who can scratch my itch.

32. Chris/any (Mpreg)
So the general request is a Chris Mpreg the other dad could be any of the other *N SYNC guys or BSB guys (cause that would just be funny). I like Chris/JC but this doesn't have to be that. I'll read anything as long as Chris is the one who's knocked up because there just isn't enough Chris Mpreg in the world.

33. Justin/Lance or Justin/Joey
So I would love to read a Justin/Lance or Justin/Joey fic based off lyrics for the song "Fall For You" by Secondhand Serenade.

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting

Could it be that we have been this way before

I know you don't think that I am trying

I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breath

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you

Over again

Don't make me change my mind

Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true

Because a girl like you is impossible to find

You're impossible to find

34. Kevin/AJ
Fic please that deals with one of them having a cold or maybe the flu and being a big whiny baby. Only because I currently have a cold and want to be a big whiny baby about it.

35. Chris/Nick
It's Chris's birthday, and Nick sneaks in to celebrate with his lover out of the public eye. Bonus points if you can get silk, leather,and the colour blue into the mix.

36. Justin/Lance
Lambs break-up fic
Angst! Heartache! Sadness! Let’s get emo up in here.

37. Chris/Joey or Joey/Lance
I'm feeling pretty crummy and I'd like some H/C JoLa or Choey so that I can stop feeling miserable for a few minutes. Please? Add in a JC and I will be thrilled.

38. Lance/Rodney McKay
I've been watching SGA and a crossover/ space AU would be great! I would like any character interacting with Rodney Mckay! :)
Edit: On second though, I want Lance/Mckay smut.

39. Justin/Lance
I would love a little Lambs story based on the following Beatles lyrics:
I've got to admit it's getting better
A little better all the time
I've got to admit it's getting better
It's getting better, since you've been mine
Something where things have been bad for one of them, and maybe True Love isn't a pure force of healing that has transformed the world, but the other could be helping him along as he works through his problem?

40. Chris/Lance
I'd love a fic where Chris and Lance have a fight (about anything) and then have really great make up sex. Yep. That is what I want.

41. Kevin/any BSB
Hey ya'll. I've just been watching the footage from where Kevin performed on stage with the other Boys last week and I'm feeling schmoopy.  I would love something where Kevin and whichever boy of your choosing (kudos if there's more than one) have a loving, romantic reunion.  If they happen to also have sex that will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks so very much in advance!

42. Chris/Aaron
I'd love a fic where Aaron is lusting for Chris and Chris is bewildered by it. They can get together or not. I mostly just want to read funny Aaron/Chris interaction where Chris is suffering from a severe case of 'what the fuck is going on?'.

43. JC/Joey
My daughter tells me that you can get an app to turn an iPhone into a lightsaber. (It makes the noises and plays background music!)
I'm pretty sure JC has an iPhone, and he's geek enough to rejoice in being able to play Jedi with it. And an iLightSaber would fill Joey with envy. Someone write me this?

44. Lance/Nick
I kind of want a Euro era Lance/Nick where they decide they don't hate each other. Coming out fic. Yes?

45. Lance/AJ AU
Please based on the TV series NCIS,
Chris as the head of the NCIS (director)
Kevin as the lead special agent(Gibbs)
AJ as the lab guru (Abby)
Lance as the probee (MCGee)
Nick as the 'dumb horny one' (Denozo)
JC as the foreign one
Howie, Brian, Joey and Justin in any role you want to give them.
Sexual tension between AJ and Probee(Lance)also make sure you have in their somekind of big gulp drink for AJ.

46. JC/Justin or JC/Lance mpreg
In the clip of the guys singing "Believe in Yourself" on Sesame Street, JC keeps touching his stomach and my friend jokes that it's like he's pregnant. So if someone wants to come up with a story about JC being pregnant that maybe goes back to that performance, that would be great. And having it Joshtin or Basez would be wonderful.

47. JC/Mikeyway
JC/Mikeyway and pea coats and glasses and cold.

48. Lance/?
Hi, I was wondering if anybody could write a fic inspired by this picture i just edited. It could be about anything you want, really. i just love how it came out and had to share it.

49. JC/Katy Perry
can someone do an AU jc/katy perry thats kinda lolita-ish?

50. Britney/Patrick Stump
I'd really like a Britney Spears/Patrick Stump (from fall out boy) fic where Patrick is horrified by her lifestyle and level of celebrity, but falls for her anyway

51. Chris/Nick
Chris and Nick going out on their first date - with a unwanted "chaperone" (Aaron, one of their "brothers", someone) - can be written as AU, I don't mind. I do ask that Nick is of legal age and there's no drugs or drinking involved (please, please, please do not make them underage or being on drugs or drunk.)

New Requests

01 JC/Lynn
MMC-era JC/Lynn, very serious, NOT crack

02 Britney/Frank Iero
I will seriously give my soul to anyone who writes me Britney Spears/Frank Iero stories. Preferably not drabbles, and with lots of NC-17 sex, but I'll take whatever you're willing to throw my way.

03 Brian/Eminem
Think about it. Eminem teaching Brian how to rap, in return Brian teaching him how to chair dance. They could bicker as they make a joint album, fighting over what constitutes swearing and the ratio of cheesy to offensive lyrics. A fight that, of course, ends in sex.

04 BSB group
write a lovely story where the backstreet boys are superhereos, doesn't have to be like their comic book. Can have Nsync as a whole or just certain members as hereos, sidekicks or villians. If you wish to add other pop stars that is fine also.

05 Lance
Lance, masturbating, please. Any scenario you like.

Do put in new requests, as you never know what's going to inspire someone to write something. Just one per week (and one per post), please.

If you write something for any of the above requests, please comment to this post so that I know it's done. And bless you!


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