
Jan 13, 2009 23:58

Can I have a sappy jc daddy fic. Like the wife watching father/son interaction. And what is said afterwards.

jc - ofc, jc

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pensnest January 9 2010, 19:33:00 UTC
I was trying to answer your Christmas prompt, but this was what happened instead, so you get an extra for this request!


"So, Toby, what are we going to do while Mommy's taking her bath?" She'd been out all day doing the Christmas shopping and had claimed an hour for a long, hot bath before supper. JC would have liked to sneak up and wash her back, but kiddy duty wasn't a bad substitute.

"Ont pace booz," Toby declared with a beaming smile. "Beez!" he added. Really, the kid was irresistible when he said please like that. Except...

"Uh, okay, buddy, you wanna run that by me again?"

"Ont pace booz. Pace booz!"

JC offered a ball from the toybox. His small son frowned at him in disbelief. JC thought again, and picked up a book. No, not that either. Not the train, nor the xylophone (he hadn't had much hope for the xylophone), not even one of Karina's dolls. Nothing in the toy box, nothing on the shelves, was a pace boo.

Toby was red-faced with frustration by now, and his "Ont PACE booz!" was getting desperate.

"Okay, buddy, I think we're going to have to consult a higher power. Come on." He waggled a finger for Toby to grasp, and led the huffing toddler through to where big sister Karina, who for reasons JC did not dare enquire into was wearing her mother's 'Under Construction' pregnancy T-shirt, was coloring a picture and ignoring the muted TV.

"Rina, honey, I don't know what Toby wants," he confessed.


Karina, three and three-quarters going on twenty-seven, rolled her eyes at them both and went at once to the DVD racks. "He wants the space bulls, Daddy."


"Daddy! Pace booz. Beez!"

Karina had located the PopOdyssey DVD, and with all the superiority of her age and sex, put the disk into the machine and flicked rapidly through the controls until she got to Space Cowboy, then returned to her picture. Toby stood enchanted in front of the screen with his arms out to the sides, and bobbed and bounced and joined in with the chorus.

JC had never seen anything so adorable in his life.

When she came down, much refreshed and ready to fix supper for the kids, she found Toby and JC in front of the tv. Both of them with their arms out wide, though JC was on his knees, and both of them singing Wy yi yi yippee yi ay at the top of their voices.

She'd never seen anything so adorable in her life.


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