This is a bit sneaky, as it's neither an official Mod Post nor a story request. But I think it's merited.
I'd like to say a huge Thank You to
ephemera_pop, who really keeps this community going. I've been looking through what has happened in
fic_requests during 2006, and I see that as well as doing the weekly recap,
ephemera_pop has filled ten requests, and done a fine job on all of them.
However, I think it's even more amazing to see that she has created an additional *THIRTY* stories. That's right - Ephemera thinks up really excellent story ideas, and has inspired that many fics just this year. I have written seven of them, and I'm really happy to have had seven stories sparked off, seven that I wouldn't have produced without those requests. And I'm sure that goes for the people who have written the other twenty-three stories in response to Ephemera's requests. I, for one, am very glad to have had the chance to read them!
I'd like to say thank you also to everyone else who has either written a story for me or posted a story request that has inspired me to write something. This community has proved very helpful to me in prompting me to write, and I get a lot of pleasure from it. It has also provided me with some delightful reading material, so thank you everyone who wrote something this year, whatever it was.
I'm making it one of my writing resolutions to produce at least one story a month in here - anyone care to join me in that?
Happy New Year, everybody!